Part 67

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*Next Morning*

I woke up at 5am. Pulling myself out of Astons arms and heading for the bathroom to get ready for the shoot today.
I had left him to sleep considering he had a day off.... He would let himself out later.
I forced some breakfast down me and eventually leaving my house by 5.45am.

Astons POV.

9am and I had woken up in an empty bed. (Yourname) had gone off to work early...
To be honest I had heard her getting ready and stuff but I really couldn't force myself to show I was awake.
It saved the awkward conversation she would try and make. 
Last night was kind of a kick up the ass for me. When(yourname) mentioned about 'us' I kind of stopped and thought about what we were actually doing. To be honest it wasn't healthy for either of us. We were living the life of a relationship but weren't actually in one. It was confusing and didn't need to be. I had been running thoughts through my head all night about what I wanted and what she might want and it eventually came to me.

"Hey stace it's Ast... Do you mind popping over to (yourname's) for a sec.. I'm here alone and need your help"
She agreed to come over and within an hour we were both in (yourname's) room, Stacey grabbing pieces of her clothing and shoving it in a suitcase.
"Seriously thank you so much. I wouldn't have a clue what shit she would want to bring" I laughed as I sat on the bed watching.
"It's fine. I know she's fussy when it comes to her clothes so it was best you didn't pick" Stacey replied 
shoving a few toiletries and makeup in the case too. "She's going to love you for this and i'm glad your both finally thinking about your feelings instead of hiding them"
"Yeah, it is about time"

The amazing idea that had finally come to me during the night was to take (yourname) away to Paris for the
weekend. I knew she had always wanted to go there and to be honest, I had too. I thought it would be the 
prefect place to take her on a kind of 'date' and maybe somewhere we could talk all this through.
I was shitting it though as I didn't know what had come over me... I mean this was something Marvin would do for a girl, not me. I had never got so into a girl that I went this far. All the holidays and weekends away I had, had were a 'lad's get away' thing. I think there may be a possibility that I was beginning to grow up a little bit.
I left (yournames) house about 5 and went home to pack myself a bag before heading over to her shoot.
I waited patiently in the car until she walked outside, whipping her sunglasses over her eyes and minding her own business tapping away on her phone.
I couldn't help but sit there and stare for a sec. She just seemed so independent and in charge of herself.
Guys wandered passed keeping their eyes glued to every part of her body but she took no notice... just walked
on like nothing else mattered in the world.
"OI (YOURNAME)!" I shouted hanging out the car window trying to get her attention.
She quickly spun round looking over to me with a slight smile on her face.
"What do you think your doing turning up at my work?" She grinned as she walked over to the car.
"Get in!"
"Just do it... Gotta get somewhere fast"
"I'm really not catching on but by the sounds of it i'm scared your trying to kidnap me or something" She laughed as she opened the car door.
"hmm yeaah, something like that"
I had decided I would drive to Paris as I had never tried a long distance like that before and to say it was easy was a complete lie. The amount of times I got lost was ridiculous. It also didn't help that I had (yourname) whinning in my ear wondering where the fuck I was taking her.
"Seriously. If you moan one more time I will throw you out that window" I said opening it up and pointing sarcastically.
"Can you blame me for being frustrated though Ast? I mean you forced me in your car and have now been driving for fucking years to the middle of no where. What are you actually playing at"
"Just relax okay... all will be relieved...."
I could tell she was getting angry with me but right now my only worry was not getting lost anymore than I was already.
As more time passed she finally fell asleep, jacket pulled over the top of her. 
It wasn't until we were pulling into the drive of the hotel that she showed a sign that she was waking up.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now