Part 34

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Normal POV.

About an hour later and we were back in Astons car on the way to his. We had collected all my stuff from Stacey's

as he said I could live with him for a couple of days until I had sorted things out with Danielle. I didn't want

to be in Stacey and Ty's way any longer as I felt bad.

I also couldn't believe what had just happened at the restaurant.

I wish I could be over the moon with happiness right now but I couldn't. I couldn't take things slow with Aston 

because of this Job. I was moving next week and he didn't even know. I kept trying to force myself to say something

on the way back but kept stopping myself because I didn't know how to word it.

It wasn't until we got back and were just slouching about on the sofa watching some crap TV when I decided I needed

to say something.


"mm" he said slightly pulling his eyes away from the tv.

"I need to speak to you about something"

"What is it? Something wrong?" he questioned sitting up properly and playing with my fingers.

"I don't think your going to take this well..."

"Of course I will, i'm tough yanoo... just because I have had feelings these past few weeks doesn't mean anything" he laughed.

I just half smiled back at him, feeling really uncomfortable and trying to find the best way to tell him.

"I've been offered a Modelling Job..." I began.

"Really? Omg. That's great! You can finally use your looks for some good" He winked. "Why'd you think i'd take it bad though? It's up to

you what type of Modelling you do, I'm not going to judge or anything"

"Noo. It's no underwear or naked or anything. But the Modelling Job is in America."

"Wow... You going to be travelling alot I guess?" he smiled.

"Your not understanding me Ast"


"I'm moving to America.... Next week!"

That's when the mood in the room dropped to an extremely tense and awful atmosphere.

Aston let go of my hand and moved himself further up the sofa sitting right on edge, getting as far away from me as he could

without falling off.

"Your what?"

"I'm moving Ast... I'm..."

"Do yout think your fucking funny? Your only telling me now that your moving! I bet you have known for ages and you have kept

it from me all this time"

"Wait... I..."

"You've been playing a shitty little game with me. Leading me on. Making me think you wanted a relationship or some shit when 

really you probably just wanted to get in my bed!"

"What the fuck?" I screamed back at him standing up.

"Yeah! You did this all for a reason. Why would you let me take you out, treat you, kiss you, sleep with you when you knew you

were moving to fucking america next week! Knowing that you were never going to see me again!"

"I didn't mean to leave it this long Ast"

"What do you mean you didn't mean to? Why didn't you just tell me?"

"I couldn't and I don't know why. I just kept it all in and couldn't find the way to explain it and..."

"and what? You have no excuses (yourname). You're a bitch!"

"Aston! Listen to me! I wanted to tell you I really did. We just kept getting closer and I was finding it harder. I've got to 

the point now where I don't really want to leave. I want to stay here with you and try at us but I know this Job would be great

for me so..."

"Get out!" he said standing up and pointing to the door.


"Get out!" he repeated barely even looking at me in the eyes.

I had never seen him this angry, I actually felt terrified of him. Like he wanted to throw something really big at me right now.

Obviosuly I knew he wouldn't but I was shaking at the thought of it.

"I have no where to go... I can't go back to Stacey's again and Danielle won't let me in ours, she hates me right now"

"I don't care. Sleep on the streets, I just want you out"

Tears started to fall hard from my eyes. I couldn't argue with him for much longer I just had to leave. I went to the door quickly

grabbing my shoes and just walking straight out as he slammed it behind me.

It was pissing down with rain and I didn't even have my car keys to sit inside there. I walked towards the road and just sat on the 

curb. Rain dripping down my face. I was freezing.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now