Part 51

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Not long later and we had arrived back at mine. Me, Stacey and Aston. I hadn't said a word the whole journey, I was feeling so numb and my emotions were sky high right now. I wanted to cry but I couldn't. I wanted to scream and call Jack all the worst names under the sun but I couldn't.

"Sit down sweetie, I'll make some tea" Stacey said as we walked in arms tightly linked together, Aston followed closely behind.

I just nodded. Still no words coming from my mouth.

"fucking twat!" Aston said as he paced up and down the room. "Who does he think he is? Going round fucking loads of girls when he has a girlfriend! He's a dick for what he did! He needs to be pushed off one of these cliffs and then no one would ever have to see that vile face again! He..."

"ASTON!" I shouted. He seemed kind of alarmed by my voice and stopped what he was doing to look at me.

"You can call him all the fucking names you want, but at the end of the day you didn't know the boy so you have no right!"

He walked over and sat down next to me.

"Did you not just see what he done to you (yourname)?"

"Yes I did quite fractly. I did! Otherwise I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be sitting here with mascara stains down my face feeling like shit!" I said anger building up in me.

"Then why are you here acting as if he's God's gift!"

Aston looked confused and angry, not a good mix as I knew he would eventually get things out of me that I didn't want to tell him.

"I knew it was coming okay! He's been seeing girls ever since I got in a fucking relationship with him! But you know what, I don't even care! That's why I'm still with him okay? He loves me!"

"Loves you? How can he love you if he treats you like that! He is scum!"

"You really think that's bad? He's done worse Ast! So for me this is minor! Fucking minor! Get that in your thick scull!"

Astons POV.

I really didn't know what was going through (yournames) head. That boy treated her like crap and she still never managed to put a bad word against him. She'd make everyone else around her feel as if she was in the wrong! I didn't get it.

"You really think that's bad? He's done worse Ast! So for me this is minor! Fucking minor! Get that in your thick scull!"

I looked at her. Completely ignoring the harsh words she had just directed at me.

"Babe, what is it your not telling me? What is it he has done that is worse?"

She didn't answer, just looked at me in the eyes. She looked hurt and like she was falling to pieces.

"(yourname) babe. Please just tell me? I need I know"

No answer.

She just burst into tears and fell into my arms.

I held her tight as her tears fell and began to soak my shirt.

I watched as Stacey walked in the room with teas and thanked her as she got the hint that maybe it was best just to leave me to sort things through with (yourname), and with that she left.

Normal POV.

I couldn't control my tears. People always use the saying 'cry me a river' and in this case, it was more than correct. I felt as if I was crying a river. I was tightly wrapped in Asts arms, drenching his clothes but he didn't seem to care. He just held me there not saying anything. I was so close to telling him about Jack beating me but I didn't, I stopped myself for a variety of reasons.

"You should go" I eventually said, pulling out of his arms slightly.

"No way! Not a chance! I'm not leaving you here on your own."

"I'm a big girl Ast! I don't need looking after"

"Jacks bound to come round!" he said shuffling on the sofa as if he knew it was the wrong thing to say to me.

"and what if he does? He is my boyfriend!"

"I know, I know! But..."

He seemed like he had given up trying to persuade me that Jack had done bad. The thing was, I knew he had and I know I shouldn't be sticking up with him, especially as Aston is only trying to help me. But I couldn't help it, there was something stopping me from hating Jack, be it fear or love. Something was there.

"at least let me stay the night, you have plenty of rooms, Stacey wouldn't want me leaving you here on your own"

I just nodded my head as I took Astons hands in mine.

"thank you" I whispered. "and I'm sorry for being such a bitch to you"

"don't appologise!" he smiled back at me. A really warm and welcoming, caring smile. This boy hadn't changed, he always managed to do this to me. He was too nice! Like the perfect boyfriend material, I couldn't understand why he hadn't got himself a girlfriend yet.

"(yourname) I want you to know, that no matter what has happened in these past 8 months that I still care about you alot!" he began rubbing my fingers gently. "You still mean the world to me and the last thing I want to see is you hurt or upset! Please make sure that when I leave you look after yourself, don't let anyone near you who is going to treat you bad, and I'm always a phone call away"

I managed to force a slight smile on my face. Taking in every word he just said. Treasuring it, wanting to record it and then play it over and over again.

"I l..."

He began but stopped and moved his face closer to mine as I did his. Our lips met once again and we began to kiss. There was so much passion and meaning in it. It got deeper and stronger, as if we were making up for the time we had missed being away. We pulled apart slowly and I was just left sitting there staring into his big brown eyes. Innocence and happiness filling them.

"what... W... What the fuck was that?" I burst out getting up from where I was sitting.

"(yourname)" Aston said sounding startled and confused at my outburst.

"why the fuck did you just kiss me? I have a boyfriend Aston. A boyfriend!"

"I'm sorry! I thought you...."

"I'm a slut! I just kissed you when I have a boyfriend!" I said butting in on what he was saying.

"no (yourname), your not, wait just come here..,"

"A fucking slag! That's what I am! Slag slag slag! No wonder Jack treats me like this! I must make him sick! Look at me?"

"those are Jacks words (yourname)! He's drilled them into your head and made you believe them! There not true okay! You need to know that!"

"I can't do this!" I said as I stormed up stairs clenching onto my hair hard just wanted to yank it all out, I went straight into my bedroom slamming the door and climbing into bed crying myself to sleep.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now