Part 40

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Astons POV.

I decided to go for a little detour in the car with (yourname) before we headed to the club, I wanted  a bit of a 'chat' considering it was kind of crazy at dinner with loads of us there. I didn't really know where we were going, we were just driving.

"so how come your not drinking tonight?" (yourname) spoke up breaking the silence.

"So you can get pissed out of your head" I grinned at her.

"Whats that got to do with you not drinking?" 

"So You can enjoy your night without worrying that you'd get into some stupid drunken mess" 

She just laughed and thanked me.

"don't worry, I will still have fun" 

We had been driving for about 10 minutes and half of the time it had been silent. Both of us probably over thinking the exact same thing. 

"I actually can't believe you go monday" I said as we pulled up at some traffic lights.

"I know, it's all happening too fast!"

"do you still want to go?"  I asked not really thinking what I was saying. 

"mm, I do but I still feel this big pull inside of me wanting to stay here"

"yeaah" I replied. What was I thinking, of course she wanted to go, it was a great opportunity and she had always wanted to go off to America or somewhere to live.

"It'll make me more independent I guess" she smiled. 

I looked over at her, she had this permanent glisten in her eyes, right now I wanted to just pull her in my arms and not let go, not let her get on that plane and just make her stay with me. Obviously that wasn't going to happen, I just had to accept it.

Normal POV.

"are you going to miss me?" I grinned cheekily at him.

"sooooo much! Seriously."

"Really?" I asked kind of shocked at his response. 

Aston stopped in some sort of bay alongside a road and took my hands in his looking me directly in the eyes.

"it's going to break my heart seeing you leave! I really like you (yourname). A lot!" he said a tear falling down his cheek.

"Ast" I whispered, wiping his cheek and placing my hand on his face.

"I care so much for you, and now we are going to get torn apart" he spoke between tears.

I had never seen Aston like this, he looked weak and broke. I couldn't believe how much he was hurting and he had been putting on a brave face all this time. 

"me too" I said looking down. "but sometimes things in life don't work the way we want them to, we have to break away from the ones we care most about and let them go, you need to concentrate on your career and I do mine, me moving doesn't mean illforget about you, we have phones and Skype and stuff" I half smiled trying to look on the positive side of things.

"I'm going to miss you like crazy" he said before pulling my chin forward so our lips were touching, both sharing the most passionate kiss I had ever had with any guy. It meant something, it really did, moments like this made me wonder why I was moving, I was falling for this boy... Hard.

We arrived at the club alot later then the others, we walked in together and met them all at the table.

"Where you two been?" Jb asked. "We've been here ages!"

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now