Part 45

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The next day I was up early because I had a couple of shoots today for a new fashion line. I woke up to an empty bed so Jack must have left earlier or during the night. Either way I was quite pleased knowing he wasn't there. I grabbed my phone off the side and sent him a quick text.

[thanks for dinner last night baby, speak to you later xxx]

I then quickly got in the shower and made sure I was all ready for the day ahead. Grabbing some breakfast on the way.

The shoot was going good, everyone was so lovely! I loved this job, all the makeup artists and hairdressers were always so nice. Also my on the job manager Ellie who went everywhere with me, was a sort of mother figure to me. She was only 26 (6 years older than me) but she had a husband and kids and it was always nice to chat to her about my problems as I would have done my own mother.

"final one and then your free to go hun" the photographer said taking one last snap.

I thanked everyone and made my way to my dressing room grabbing my bag and my keys and heading for my car. Once I was sat in my seat I pulled out my phone as I hadn't checked it all day and I had a missed call from Aston.

I was kind of shocked seeing he had called as I hadn't heard from him in weeks. Just as I was about to call him back, he rang again.

- Ast!

I said with the biggest grin on my face.

/ hello stranger! 

- I miss you!

/ I know me too! Sorry I haven't been in touch or answering any calls lately, been on tour! Buuuut I've just finished and I have some good news!

- go on hit me with it! I know your dying to.

I laughed.

/ you are going to be seeing this handsome face next week!

- whaaaaat?

/ Me and the boys are coming to do some recording in 2 weeks but Stacey thought we should all come up for a week before just so we can all chill and spend the week with you.

- Omg! You have to be kidding? I can't wait to see you all!

Me and Aston spoke for a little bit longer. It was getting later and later in England so I let him get some sleep while I headed home with the biggest smile on my face ever!

Astons POV.

I put the phone down after speaking to (yourname) without crying this time. I was so happy! I couldn't believe I hadn't seen her in 8 months. We were slowly starting to drift and I hated it, obviously it was hard to keep the close relationship we use to have going but I didn't Want it to drift so much that we stopped talking like her and Danielle.

Me, JB, Chloe, JJ, Stacey and Ty thought we would go up a week early to see (yourname). I'm sure there would be a hotel near by for us all to stay in. I was also planning on having a few evenings just me and her just how it use to be. I missed her so much, I just wanted her back in my arms again. 

Normal POV.

This evening Jack had told me to pop over to his house so we could order a takeout and just chill. I was all up for it until I got there and saw all his friends sitting around on the sofas.

"Sorry babe, they all came round unexpectedly, they'll be fine here with us though" he said smiling as he kissed me on the lips.

I hated his friends, they scared me so much. They were all too touchy feely and times like this I was glad Jack was around.

"(yourname)" one of them shouted as I walked in the room.

"er hey Alex" I smiled.

"come join us on this sofa" mike said while I sat on the one opposite.

"oh no im fine here thanks"

Jack went out the room to get some drinks while I just sat there wanting him to be as quick as possible.

"hey gorgeous" Alex said as he sat down right next to me with his arm tightly round my shoulder, I could smell his alcohol breath lingering round my face it was awful.

"Alex do you mind letting go of me.." I said trying to pull out of his strong grip.

"oooh c'mon what's wrong with..."

"Oi! Get the fuck off her!" jack shouted coming through with drinks. I was so relived. "she doesn't want you touching her! So move away!"

Jack said as he walked over to me pulling me in his arms where I felt kind of safe while Alex edged away slightly.

"thank you" I whispered as I kissed him on the lips.

The rest of the evening consisted of them drinking and playing on the x box. I wasn't enjoying it at all I just wanted to leave.

"I'm going to be off if you don't mind, really tired and I've got shoots early tomorrow" I smiled getting up of the sofa and going to walk out the room hoping Jack would follow. He did just that but he didn't look happy.

"I thought you were going to stay the night"

"sorry babe" I said kissing him and edging closer to the door.

"it's because you don't like my friends isn't it!" he said raising his voice.

"I have to be up early"

"your so fucking selfish! I know they can be a pain sometimes but I've looked after you all night making sure they don't go near you!"

"Jack please, I know you have I just ..."

"you just what?"

"all the drinking and that, you all can get a bit...."

"come on spit it out!"

"I dunoo it doesn't matter, I need to go... I love you"

He didn't reply. Just pushed me out the door and slammed it in my face. 

I couldn't wait to get home....

When I got back I made myself comfortable on the sofa and then whipped out my phone to text Aston.

[this week better go quick! Excited to see you!xxx]

Not long later I received a reply.

[you too babe! Hope you don't look too different so I can still recognise you ; p Axxx]

[Don't worry you will;) I haven't changed that much xxx]

[should I pack for hot weather? Axxx]

[of course!! Very hot weather! I live literally on a beach so pack for swimming too!xxx]

Talking to Aston made me feel like myself again. Being in a relationship with Jack had really changed me. I couldn't really pin point in what way but it didn't feel right. I just didn't know how Aston and Jack would get along. I didn't know if it was worth the trouble introducing them.

[okay I will do! Has Danielle been in touch with you at all? Axxx]

[nopee! Haven't heard from her at all, I give up trying! Do you ever see her? Xx]

[I sometimes see her around, but just to say hi to. When you first left she was under the impression that me and her would start something! I think i made it pretty clear that I wasn't interested! ; p Axxx]

[Ast! You better not have been too cruel;) & I knew it was that all along! It's obv all your fault she hates me then haha!Xx]

[nothing is ever my fault! ; ) Axxx]

[whatever;) see you in a week!! : D Xx

I finally switched my phone off and made my way up to bed. Thoughts running through my head.

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