Part 70

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The rest of the weekend in Paris was perfect. All I could have asked for. We literally just spent most of it relaxing in the room and left a couple of times to get food.

We had arrived home a week ago and reality was hitting me.

I was back to work tomorrow and Aston was off on tour with the boys in a few days.

The fact that I was barely going to see him put a downers on this new 'relationship' thing we had going on, but he had promised me we would find the time to keep in touch.

"Smile Grumpy!" Aston said lifting my face up to look at him.

We were sprawled out on his bed watching a movie but all I could think about was him touring.

"I am" I grinned back at him.

"You can come to any tour date you want by the way... there's plenty to choose from"

"But what about work Ast? I have loads of shoots coming up"

"We'll figure it out" He replied kissing me on the lips, it was gentle yet meaningful and I couldn't help but smile into it.

"Now that's a proper smile" He laughed pulling away slightly.

I didn't answer, just pulled his head closer to mine and pressed my lips against his once again.

It wasn't long before things got more heated, and our attention turned from the film to each other.

"Your gorgeous" I heard him say as all clothes were removed. I blushed slightly before placing my lips on his chest...


"I don't care how long your meetings are today, you need to be back here by 6 okay?" Aston shouted shuffling around in the kitchen whipping himself up some breakfast.

It was early monday morning and I had ended up staying over Astons the night, which resulted in disaster this morning.

We both had to be out by 8am sharp and it was a literally a fight to get ready on time.

"What? Why? They might go on later than that... I'm travelling all over london today"

"Just make some sort of excuse up?"

"I can't Ast! They're all important!"

"whatever... just leave as soon as you can!"

I didn't answer him in the end just carried on picking out my clothes and quickly changing into something suitable for the day.

I was struggling to pull my tights up my legs in rush when I felt 2 strong arms wrap around me.

"I'm off" Aston said kissing my neck gently.

"Don't break anything while rehearsing"

"Would I ever?"

"hmmm" I tutted turning in his grip pecking his lips then trying to release myself from his hold and not suceeding.

"I need to get these tights on!! aaaaand i'm running late"

"fine!" he moaned letting me go. "Made you breakfast! It's on the table, soo make sure you eat it"

"thank you" I smiled pulling him towards me one more time.

The day at work was long and tiering. Meetings were probably the worst part of this job. Everyone was pretty much the same.....

The photographers giving me a rough idea of the poses that would be expected. Makeup artists talking me through makeup which I already knew about and Designers telling me about their ranges which I didn't really give a flying fuck about. I just wanted to get home.

"So (yourname).. The next shoot will be an underwear one with the Deluxe range it will be in a studio on a green screen and..."

Before they could continue talking I butted in. "I don't want to do underwear"

"What? But you have to.. this is a big shoot"

"Yeah I understand but I don't want to do it"

"(yourname) I get why... You will be working with some great people"

"I never signed up to doing half naked shoots. Fully clothed is what I do"

"Well things change... Your going to have to try new things for new doors to open"

I just sat and glared at the people who sat before me. 

I had never wanted to do underwear or bikni. I felt like it was all too exposed. 

I didn't want half the UK or World for a matter of fact seeing me barely dressed, I was happy just doing the usual designer shoots.

"Let's all take a break and we will carry on speaking about this after" My manager Claire said taking note of my panick.

She understood. She knew exactly what I was and wasn't happy to do, but all these stangers had no clue. 

I got up from seat and headed straight to the café which was situated in the tall building.

Whipping out my phone I saw a Message from Aston.


[How's the meetings going? Axx]

I replied quickly....

{Shit! How's rehearsals? & I will defiantly be home by 6!Xx}

I then searched my contacts for Stacey's work number and begin to call her.

"Hello, Wallnet Offices. Stacey speaking" Was the polite voice I heard.

"Ooooh I miss that place" 

"(yourname), it's you! Sorry!" She laughed as I just grinned to myself. "What's up?"

I then got into full conversation with her about this whole Modelling thing. About how I was having second thoughts on it all.

The thought of the job was great and all so glamerous but actually being in the situation was a whole different thing.

I was starting to feel slightly pressured and uncomfortable and was gradually starting to miss my job back in the office.

"Look, tomorrow we will meet for lunch okay? Then we can talk about this properly. You don't want to rush into any decisions just yet" Stacey said as we ended the call.

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