Part 49

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Later that night the house had calmed down, JJ, Chloe and JB had all gone to bed because the time difference was catching up on them. I had such a big house that there was enough space for a room each, of course the couples sharing, so I made sure they all knew where the bathrooms and bedrooms were before leaving them to it, I made my way back down to Aston, Ty and Stacey.

I walked in the room and Stacey and Ty were on one sofa cuddled up and Aston on the on the other alone....

I went and awkwardly joined him on it, sitting on the edge as we all started to chat away... It got to about 11 and Stacey & Ty were the next to go up just leaving me and Aston.

Before Stace went up she had literally threatened me to be nice to him, she really was trying to get us at least back on normal friendship talking terms but I didn't know how it was going to work as we both still had feelings.

"Don't you want to go to bed too? You must be knackered" I said politely as he shuffled about on the sofa a bit.

"noo, time difference never effects me" He smiled looking at the tv. I just nodded grabbing my phone.

"You look like your about to fall of the edge of this sofa, your actually sitting that far away from me" he laughed looking at me.

I just frowned at him as I started to giggle a little moving to a more comfortable spot on it.

"(yourname)! Seriously! Just come here" he smiled opening up his arms.

Without thinking I moved closer and laid there, cuddling up into him. All of a sudden every muscle in my body felt relaxed, my emotions and worries skipped away and I felt a smile form on my face, an actual smile! A real smile! Something I hadn't done in a long time. 

"Why are you being so nice to me?"

I asked looking up at him.

"I don't know, I guess I care about you a lot! No matter how I annoyed I am" he replied interlocking his fingers with mine.

"Do you forgive me for not telling you?" 

"No. Because I know there is a lot more to all this"

"what do you mean?"

"there's more secrets your keeping, you know there is"

I couldn't say anything because he was right. I wasn't going to tell him the truth about me and Jack, I couldn't. Aston would literally force me to go back home, he wouldn't want me living here on my own any longer. I guess I was just going to have to live these 3 weeks of fantasy with Aston in my life and then go back to living in hell when he leaves again.

The thing was, that was my ideal plan, but probably not Astons! He was pissed off with me and right to be. Now that he thought I had moved on he would probably do the same and use this trip to go back to his old ways... 'The Collecting numbers Game!'

"it's getting late! Might go to bed" I said as I began to get up but he pulled me back down. 

"Ast! Lemme go" I moaned in his grip.

"you think you can get away that easy? Been away for 8 months with no cuddles, need to make up for it all"

I looked up at him, his big cheeky grin literally sparkled. Times like this made me realise how much I had missed him, oh why did I fuck all this up?

"Fine! A few more minutes!"

We lay there for what felt like ages, comfortably in each others grip.

Aston was running his fingers gently up and down my arms relaxing me so much I could have fallen asleep there and then but managed to keep myself awake by talking now and again.

I eventually sat up and faced him.

"Right, now I'm going to bed... I'll show you your room and that if you like?" 

Aston looked at me kind of disappointment in his eyes. I knew what he was thinking, and as much as it would be harmless, it was wrong.

"I can't Ast! I have a boyfriend remember?" I said, feeling guilt and upset rush through me.

"I know" he said trying to smile and following me upstairs.

Half hour later and I was finally tucked up in bed ready to attempt to get some sleep, but before checking a message that had just come through on my phone.

[Gooooodnight ; p Axxx]

- {your texting me yet your next door;) xxx}

My phone vibrated again, but this time not from Aston.

*1 New Message - Jack*

[On my way over so hope this wakes you if your asleep! Let me in xxxx]

I sighed reading the message before quickly replying.

[okay baby, but be quiet! Friends are all sleeping :) Xx]

Erh the fact that Jack was coming round right now had put a complete downer on my mood. 


 [Answer the fucking door!]

He had to be so aggressive about everything. why couldn't he just be calm for once in his life, he was always so on edge like he had something to hide and anger was his way of expressing it!

"hey" I fake smiled and kissed him as he walked in the door.

"you sure they all asleep?" he asked eagerly attacking his lips on mine again.

Aston was awake. But I couldn't tell him that, he'd start asking questions and just get really pissy about it so I had to lie but hated doing it.

"yeah but..."

"If you dare say you don't want sex tonight I will fucking bang your head on that door!"

I shook my head slightly pulling away from him but he gripped onto me again, forcing all my clothes off as he picked me up and pushed my naked body up against the wall. He was so strong and violent about it i felt like I wanted to break down and cry. I didn't want this right now, sex with Jack was like a chore to make him happy, it wasn't love as it was suppose to be, it was a horrible, scary experience of not knowing what he was going to do next.

Not long later, Jack had got what he wanted and left, just got in his car and drove off. I walked up to my room tears in my eyes and sat on my bed as I broke down in sobs.

*1 New Message - Aston*

[are you crying? Babe, what's happened? Axx]

- {I'm fine:) your imagining things xxx}


[I know your lying! Did someone come in the house? I heard the door? Axx]

- {Go to sleep babe!xxx}

[come in here? Or I'm coming into your room! Axx]

- {no ast! Please just leave it, see you in the morning xxx}

and we left it at that as I finally managed to drift off to sleep, feeling numb.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now