Part 43

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Astons POV

Instead of driving home I headed back to Marvs place as I just needed some company. When I turned up there was a gathering of people; all the Boys, JJ, Chloe, Stacey, Ty and a few others. 

They were all trying their hardest to comfort me but it wasn't working, I just felt so down and lost without (your name).

"Ast! She will be fine" Marvin said as I paced up and down the living room.

I had all different thoughts running through my head, the fact she had to fly on her own, get to her apartment on her own with a strange taxi driver, go shopping on her own, literally do everything on her own! She had no one out there.

"I know! I know! I just panic! I'll be fine when I know she's there safe"

"you've got a lot of hours to wait bruv so I don't think pacing is going to make time pass" 

That night I went back to mine about midnight, I finally got some sleep early hours of the morning after tossing and turning all night. I woke up early afternoon the next day to my phone going off, it was a message from (yourname).

* 1 New Message (yourname) x *

- just got off the plane! Feel so tired! Will call you when I get time! I miss you already!xxx

I smiled reading the message, feeling like a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. 

*Compose Message - (yourname) x *

- glad your safe babe! Get some sleep! I miss you crazy amounts too! Axx

Normal POV.

It was about 8pm in LA at the moment and I felt so tired! The whole time difference thing between here and the UK was confusing the hell out of me already! I text Aston, the girls and my family just so they all knew I was safe but I really couldn't be bothered to talk to anyone now. I just wanted to get to my apartment and into bed. 

My boss from the Uk had called while I was in the taxi to say my American management had payed out for a full furnished apartment right near the sea. I have to admit, after hearing this news this whole living in America thing wasn't seeming so bad. I was just wondering how long it would be until I got home sick.

*the next morning*

I woke up the next day to an extremely hot and bright room. I crawled out of bed and over to the doors that lead out to my balcony, opening the curtains so I could see the bright blue sea & sky and the golden sand, all feeling like a dream.

"hello to my new home" I whispered to myself.

I got my phone off the side deciding to call my mum seeing as I promised I would, after that came Stacey, then I tried Danielle but no answer so I called Aston.

- Hello?

hey Ast!

- omg babe! You called!

haha yeah! This whole time difference thing is confusing me. What time is it in England?

- about 7pm! It's morning for you there right.


Me and Ast were talking for ages on the phone, and by ages I mean hours. Most of our conversation consisted of us talking about how much we missed each other and how much we just wanted to be in each others arms. Ast also asked me a bit about America and if I liked it, I don't know if he was expecting me to say I hated it and wanted to go home, but I honestly could say that. I told him the truth and said how much I loved it! The only thing I was hating was the loneliness but I'm sure when I started work I'd make a few new friends.

Mine and Astons phone call soon ended when I heard Ast yawning on the other end of the phone, so I decided it was best to let him get some sleep while I went and experienced a bit of LA in my gorgeous car my new bosses had provided for me.

The rest of the day I spent shopping, eating and exploring. When I got home I decided to take a little walk on the beach in the evening. As I walked, I passed groups of friends, parents and Kids and a lot of couples. This is when I really did start to miss home. I needed the girls, my family and Aston! Even though me and Aston never spoke about the whole relationship thing between us, I was pretty sure it was going to happen. I loved pretty much everything about him and we got on so well, he was perfect boyfriend material for me.

That night I was sound asleep until I got woke up by my phone ringing loud in my ear. I moaned to myself and turned over in my empty bed to reach over and answer it.

- mm?

/ omg! Did I wake you babe? Im soorry! Go back to sleep ill ring you some other t....

- no Ast! It's fine! I'm awake now.

I laughed.

/ If your sure? What time is it there?

I leant over my bed to look at my alarm clock which read 2.30am.

-  half 2 in the morning!

I said. Making sure I over exaggerated the 'morning' part.

/ shit! I'm so sorry!

He said laughing. / we really need to get use to this time thing.

-  mm we really do! How are you anyway?

/ I'm alright! Nothing feels right since you left, just can't be bothered to do anything.

- I haven't been gone that long, maybe we will both get use to it as time goes on.

/ maybe! Anyway, I'm going to let you go, you sound shattered! I'll speak to you tomorrow or something.

- yeah okay! Miss you!

/ miss you too gorgeous! 

With that I put the phone down and burst into tears. Everytime I heard Astons voice it made me want him with me even more. I knew he felt the same way because whenever we weren't speaking on the phone he was constantly texting me.

I knew I had to get use to this though, I couldn't sit around feeling miserable all the time. 

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now