Part 81

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Friday morning finally came and I was rushing round my house like a mad thing. I was trying to get myself ready so I could rush over to Astons ready for when he got home. I wanted to make sure his house was tidy and that I had food waiting for him as he was bound to be hungry.

“Fuck sake!” I shouted as I burnt my hand on the straighteners while picking them up. I seriously didn’t know what was going on with me lately, I had been so clumsy. I was always tripping up, walking into things, and now burning myself was something to add to the list.

“Chloe” I said as she answered the phone.

“Yeah?” She laughed at my desperateness.

“Do you know what time they get home? I want to get to Ast’s before he’s back”

“I’m sure it’s about lunch time. But obviously depends on traffic and that. You have plenty of time. Stop panicking”

I just laughed and said a quick goodbye putting the phone down. I knew I wouldn’t have time to cook anything so I thought I’d call and get a pizza when I got to Astons. That would do fine.

“Oh fuck this shit!!” I shouted again as I dropped all my bags down the stairs as I was just about to leave. I followed them as they fell and grabbed them all in anger, grabbing my keys and heading to my car. As I reached my car I could recognise a figure in the distance which looked like Danielle. I didn’t say anything, considering we hadn’t spoken in for ever and I also wasn’t 100% sure that it was her. I walked back to my front door locking up and saw her getting closer. I couldn’t make out who she was with but it was a girl. I wasn’t quite sure if she had noticed me or not, or even knew I lived here but she was heading my way and I started to panic slightly. What would I say? It would be awkward. We had left on such a bad note that I didn’t even know if I wanted to make an effort with her anymore. As she got closer she didn’t even take one look at me, just walked straight past. She didn’t look much different, just a slightly different hair colour, she still had that bitchy glint in her eyes which I hated. But one thing was for sure, I was so glad she hadn’t seen me. Not on a day when I was feeling as stressed out as this.

“Right. This looks tidier than I thought” I said to myself as I walked into Astons house. I had sort of cleaned it a bit the day he left and obviously no one had been in here since so it was looking pretty good. The only thing I had left to do now was order the pizza. It was like half 1 now so I was pretty sure Aston would be coming home soon. I sent him a quick text asking how long he would be, as I thought it would be the safest option. He replied soon enough telling me he was about 40 minutes away, which was perfect timing considering pizza usually took half an hour to get here.


“Hunny I’m homeeeee!” I heard a sarcastic voice shout from the hall way.

I ran straight from the kitchen and straight into his arms.

“omg. Rugby tackle me why don’t ya” Aston laughed dropping his bags on the floor and wrapping his arms around me and pulling me closer.

“I actually missed you soooo much!!”

Aston pulled away from me slightly and kissed my lips. “Missed you too!... Now do I smell pizza?” With this he pulled away and made his way into the kitchen.

“Oh yeah, great way to ruin the moment” I moaned.

“love you!” He grinned and started stuffing his face.

“hm yeah hungry?”

“Lil bit!” he grinned as I just stood staring at him, not happy at his rush for the pizza over me.

“What’s that face for?” he laughed looking up at me.

“What?” I replied, just shrugging my shoulders.

“Been home what, 10 minutes and your mad at me”

“Not mad at you.”

“Come sit here and eat this with me then?”

“Not that hungry, So it’s all yours.”

I walked out of the kitchen leaving him to it. To be fair, I wasn’t really that annoyed with him I just liked to see him suffer and feel bad. But right now he defiantly wasn’t feeling it. I slouched myself down on the sofa and switched the TV on as I heard him potter about in the kitchen.

“Tea for two” He grinned as he walked into the living room holding two steaming hot mugs. “and a kiss for me?”

I looked up at him and just took the tea from his hands. “I’ll accept the tea. Thanks.”

“Oh c’mooon babe. I was just hungry and I couldn’t let it go cold now could I?”

“You own a microwave. That’s pretty good for heating things up you know…”

By this time I felt my tea being taken from my hands and two strong arms being placed under my legs and behind my back. I was then lifted off the sofa, Aston clinging onto me in a tight grip, but as if it was no effort for him. I began to shout plenty of things at him which included a fair amount of swearing, but all just resulted in him ignoring me. Aston carried me up the stairs and straight into his room, gently laying me down on his bed. I was about to sit straight up and break out into full argument before he leaned himself over me and fixed his lips straight onto mine, sending shivers through my body. As much as I wanted to pull away and be mad at him I couldn’t, I was getting into it just as much as he was. He trailed his hand from my leg up to my face before pulling away slightly.

“I’m sorry” he said before kissing my neck gently. “and for the record, I was much more excited to see you than the pizza”

I couldn’t help but laugh at this comment, and as soon as he realised all anger within me was gone he broke out into a small smile before attaching his lips back onto mine as we had a lot of catching up to do…


Think I said enough in the last part I posted so yeah.

thanks for reading!

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