Part 47

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I got to the airport a little bit early so sat in a cafe having a tea, I was physically shaking because I was so nervous but I was also buzzing.

Astons POV.

We all got off the plane after a really long flight. I was so excited to see (your name), I know the others were too, all of us wanting that first hug from her. We all got our cases, nipped to the toilets and then made our way out to meet her.

As we all walked out we could see crowds of people and we were scanning them all to find (your name). My eyes finally met with hers and for some reason it felt really different, she seemed different. She looked basically the same but her bubbly, jolly self didn't seem there anymore, she looked kind of broke and weak. I smiled at her and as soon as she recognised it was us she came running over, literally jumping in my arms and giving me the biggest cuddle ever. 

"wooooah! You did miss me" I laughed letting go of my bags and wrapping my arms around her.

She didn't say anything just stayed in my arms for ages. 

She did eventually pull out to go give the others hugs while we made our way to the cars.

"Ast, JB and Chloe are you lot coming in my car for now" she smiled as we headed over to a gorgeous car! I had to admit, it was nicer than mine. We agreed while JJ got in one car we had hired and Stacey and Ty got in another. The journey back to (your names) was nice but weird at the same time. We were chatting away about old times and what we had all been up to, i went to place my hand on her leg but she soon brushed it off and continued talking.

Not long later we arrived at her apartment. It was gorgeous! No wonder she liked it here so much! 

"want me to take some of your bags" (your name) asked walking round to her boot.

"nope, I've got them all babes" I said grabbing them all and then following her to her door.

Normal POV

A couple of hours later and everyone was settled down. It felt so weird having them here. I had missed them so much though and realised that as soon as I saw them.

I was now sat on the sofa in between Aston and Stacey chatting away. I really wanted to just cuddle up in to Aston right now like we use to, but I have a boyfriend and I really didn't  think it was right. Jack probably goes round sleeping with loads of girls and doesn't feel guilty, but I'm just not that type of person. Aston did keep trying to put his arm round me or hold my hand but I had to keep brushing it off, I felt so bad.

"babe are you okay?" he whispered in my ear while everyone was chatting away.

"mm yeah I'm fine" I smiled back. "missed you all so much"

Aston just nodded and left me to it. I think he was fed up of trying.

"I'm going to order a take away for us all tonight and invite my friend Jessica over for you all to meet! She is dying to see you all" I grinned as I joined in the conversations.

"ooo yeaah sounds good! Movie night too?" Stacey asked.

"yeaaaah!" I began. "I've really missed all this"

I started talking to Aston about how I wanted to get a tattoo on my arm but was scared. I lifted up my sleeve to show him where I wanted it and then too late remembered the bruises were there.

"omg babe! What did you do?" he asked in complete worry.

"oh nothing, just banged my arm" I said trying to cover it up.

"that's not just a bang, they are nasty! Have you seen someone about them?"

"they're just bruises Ast!"

Suddenly I heard my front door slam and a shuffle of feet.

"(your name) are you in?" I heard Jack shout.

Shit. I thought. I didn't want them to meet Jack because I knew he wasn't too pleased about them all staying with me anyway. I didn't answer to start with just pretended I didn't hear. But obviously the others did as they were all looking at me. 

"(yourname)! What the fuck? Where are you" the aggression in his voice panicked me. I also felt myself going red by looking at the shock and confusion in their eyes. 

"I'll be a minute" I half smiled getting up and making my way into the hall.

"there you are! Why did you take so long?"

"sorry babe, I didn't hear you" I smiled hoping he'd believe it. He just shrugged it off and began to walk forward. 

"where are these English people then?"

"in the other room" I smiled leading him through. "I'll introduce you" 

I was so scared. I didn't know how he would react to them or how they would react to him. I hadn't told any of them I had a boyfriend, especially not a dick of a boyfriend.

"whatever" he said walking behind me.

"em guys" I said trying to get their attention. They all looked at me and I stood there shaking slightly as I cold feel Jacks grip on my back getting tighter.

"okay this is Chloe, JB, Ty, JJ, Stacey and Aston" I said to Jack pointing to them as I did. When I said Aston I could sense his anger, i don't know why, he didn't even know the boy.

"and erm, this is jack" I said. All their eyes were on me, trying to smile and look friendly but were extremely confused as I had never mentioned anyone called Jack before.

"I'm her boyfriend" he blurted out.

.... that's when my heart sunk. He did that on purpose, I know he did. I watched all their Expressions change. I looked straight to Aston who looked down uncomfortably not knowing how to react, he looked sad.

Jack pulled me closer to him while I edged away.

He tried again gripping me tighter as I stood there not knowing what to say or do. He could tell I wanted him to let go and just glared right down at me.

"bitch!" he muttered before storming out of the room and out the front door.

Astons POV

"bitch" he muttered before storming out of the room and out the front door.

(your name) had a boyfriend? A boyfriend? I didn't know what was going through my mind right now, I was confused and hurt. I didn't realise she would move on so quick, I mean I know its been 8 months and all but I thought she said she loved me.

I looked up at (yourname) who stood there with tears in her eyes. I felt kind of bad for her, Jack seemed a bit of a twat. Why was she with him? I didn't get it.

I watched Stacey get off her seat and walk over to (yourname).

"are you okay babe?" she asked going in to hug her.

"yeah! Why wouldn't I be?" she said shrugging it off and carrying on like none of that had happened.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now