Part 63

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Normal POV.

"I'm going to the toilet... you order a take out" Aston said throwing me my home phone.

I just agreed to it, grabbing a menu off the side and calling them up.

My initial plan for tonight was to lounge around, on my own, scanning through some fashion magazines my boss had given me, which all related to the fashion show I was going to be in.

But Aston had to show up, trying to be helpful and ruin it all. Typical Him.

Once I had ordered our food I went and got my phone out and just started messing around on it, texting Jessica seeing how she was and debating whether to text Danielle.

"er babe..." I heard Astons voice as he walked down the stairs.


"Can I just ask... why is their pregnancy test in the bin in your bathroom?"

"Huh? What?!" I stuttered. The word shit shit shit repeatedly running through my mind. 

As if he had seen it, I hadn't even thought to hide it properly. I didn't expect him to come round tonight.

"There's a pregnancy test is your bin... why?"



"Sit down Aston"

"No, I want you to tell me first... answer my question." His voice was stern and sharp. I could tell he was frustrated by his tone. A tone which he barely ever used.

"I'm not fucking pregnant if that's what your thinking!!" I said, getting slightly angry at his sudden annoyance with me.

"Well yeah, I WAS kind of thinking that... that's what the tests are fucking for.." He said sarcastically.

I didn't answer him. Didn't even look him in the face. I had nothing to say. It didn't matter anymore. I wasn't pregnant so it shouldn't be a big deal. 

"You going to explain why you took one?"

By this time he seemed a tad bit calmer than before, but not by much. He sat down beside me, not so close but close enough.

"It's been bugging me for a while. I got all the symptoms and I thought I was pregnant"

"Jack's?" he said with what sounded like slight hope in his voice for once when mentioning his name.

"I'm not pregnant Aston!!"

"Yeah I know but would it have been Jack's?"

Was he really asking this. I could tell by the way he said it that he wanted me to say yes. He didn't want there to have been a possibility it was his. 

"Fucking Hell Aston! Are you like 5? It could have been yours too! Stop trying to put off that fact! We had sex, plenty of times. All with no protection if I remember correctly!"

He looked kind of shocked at my outburst, shuffling a slight bit futher away from me on the sofa.

"I didn't mean it like that... I just..."

"You just what?"

"I dunoo.. I don't a baby"

I couldn't help but laugh at his comment. But not in friendliness... it was his stupidy and his childish behaviour.

"Do you think I did either? You can't pick and choose these things to happen if your not going to protect yourself from it! Did you never get taught that shit in school Aston?"

"D'ya really think i'm that stupid?"

"Seems like it"

"You never reminded me about protection so it's half your fault you know. It takes two to tango!"

"Look. All that matters is that i'm not pregnant okay? We can forget about this and move on with it all"

He didn't either bother answering, just slouched himself back on the sofa, as I did too.

I couldn't help but notice a sense of awkwardness now hovering over us. Like both of us were thinking over what the possibilities would have been if I were pregnant.

I could tell there was so much more Aston wanted to say and ask me, but he kept his mouth shut. Knowing

I was pissed off enough as it was.

"So um, when's this fashion show?" He asked, trying his hardest to make conversation.

"Next week..." I mumbled bluntly, concentrating on the TV.

"Okay. I'll have to check at work when I'm free and stuff, but i'm sure I can come"

I didn't answer him, just half nodded.

We sat in silence for a lot longer, Aston fiddling about with his phone, occasionally looking up at his

phone to catch up on what was happening in some shitty programme that was on.

"Aston..." I said quite quietly.


"If I had have been pregnant, and it was yours... You wouldn't have like, abandoned me with it would you? Like I know it would have looked shit to the fans and everything would have been a disaster, but you wouldn't have pretended you never knew me or whatever?"

I was kind of asking a leading question. Hoping for the best answer. I wasn't really giving him a choice

to be honest. I was just putting words into his mouth.

"Course not" He half smiled. I was unsure of his answer but he just pulled me into his arms kissing my head lightly. So I had no choice but to believe it.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now