Part 44

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*8 months later*

8 months had passed and I had got well into my job. I absolutely loved it! The whole modelling thing was defiantly for me. I had finally made some friends which I was pleased about, one of which was my next door neighbour Jessica and me and her had grown so close. She was my bestfriend out here. There was also a boyfriend on the scene. Yes I had got into a relationship. At first it felt weird knowing how close me and Aston were before we left but I knew I had to move on. My boyfriend was called Jack. I admit he was no Aston, far from it actually, and to say we had a happy relationship would be a lie too. When I first met him he was lovely, but a couple of weeks into the relationship he showed his true colours. He was cruel and spiteful. He'd hit me, disagree with everything i said and make me feel worthless. Jessica hated him and was always telling me to break up with him, but I just couldn't and didn't know why.

Me and Aston still spoke but not often. For the first month we spoke everyday be it text or call but as time passed we both got busier and we never had the time. It was sad and I did miss him, but there wasn't much I could do about it. He also didn't know I had a boyfriend, I wasn't quite sure how he would react to it if I told him as I knew he was still completely single. But it was just wasn't something I was going to bring up purposely in our very rare and short phone calls we had.

"oi (yourname) are you in" I heard Jack shout as he had let himself in my apartment. 

"yeah! In the kitchen" I called back as he walked in slamming his keys on the table.

"do you ever check your bloody phone? I've been ringing you for hours!"  

"ah no its been on charge! Sorry babe" 

"your fucking useless!" he shouted before grabbing onto my arms and shaking me. I was terrified each time he got like this but I got use to it in a way and  learnt just to keep calm.

"I know sorry"

"well you obviously don't know otherwise you wouldn't do it"

He said as he started to tighten his grip on me and kick my legs.

"Jack, please stop"

"you think your gods gift don't you! Well your not! Your nothing better than a piece of shit on the floor!"

"okay! Please stop" 

I began to cry and fell out of his grip and relaxed myself on the floor against the wall.

"babe I'm sorry come here!" Jack said pulling me up and into a hug. 

"you know I love you but you should really learn to keep your phone with you! It could have been important"

He always did this! Treated me like crap and then 5 seconds later completely change into the nicest and most caring boyfriend anyone would want. He kissed me lightly on the lips and headed into the living room ordering us a take away.

Welcome to my new life!

The next morning I woke up to the sound of Jack talking on his phone, not quite sure who to but I didn't open my eyes so he thought I was still asleep as he carried on talking.

"yeah babe! I might be over tonight! ... Yep. Okay bye!"

As much as I tried not to believe it I knew Jack had affairs with different girls every week. I'd never seen It but it was more than obvious, i always pushed it to the back of my mind and let him do it. I just wanted someone to love me and jack did that... Some of the time. 

"Babe! Wake up" Jack said as he began to kiss my neck.

"mm?" I said pretending I had been asleep. 

Just as I opened my eyes he started to place kisses over my face and then attached them to my lips. 

"i love you" he whispered in a husky voice.

"I love you too" 

I felt his hands begin to roam around my body then his lips kiss up my legs.

"Jack, not now"

He didn't stop, he carried on trying to seduce me into it.

"Jack! Please stop! I've just woke up!"

"Fine you moody bitch! What is wrong with you? You never want sex? Do you not love me? Do you think your better than me?"

He said getting off me and going to get off the bed.

"nooo I love you so much, you know that! And we do, we have sex all the time! Just nows not the right time" I said taking hold of his hand.

He shrugged it off and slapped my cheek hard.

"fuck off! Don't know why I even bother" 

Tears started to well up in my eyes, the pain was unbearable. 

I watched him grab his things and storm out the room and out the front door.

I just lay there soaked in my own tears wanting my mum, Stacey,  Aston, anyone here with me.

But I had no one. I felt so lonely.

*Later that day*

I had no shoots today so me and Jessica decided to grab some food and lay on the beach all day. We lay there sunbathing and chatting away about everything.

"sooo you glad you came to America?"

"yeah I love it here! Just wish I could bring my life in England here too"

"yeah must be hard, I'd never be able to do it all on my own. Who'd you miss most?"

"as stupid as it sounds... Aston. The last couple of weeks before I left we got really close, I saw him most" I said looking at my hands.

"why are you with Jack (yourname)?" Jess blurted out looking me straight in the eyes.

"Jess not now"

"seriously, he treats you like shit! I'm scared for you"

"I can deal with it, I have for 6 months"

"but are you happy?"

"yep! When he's calm, he's so caring... I love him"

"is it really love though?"


"okay I'm sorry, just be careful okay?"

"of course" I smiled getting up as we walked off up the beach and back home.

I popped round Jessica's for a cup of tea and then got a text from Jack.

[Take you out for dinner tonight! Make sure your ready at 7! xx]

I smiled to myself. Yeah me and Jack had our rough times but I guess he could be nice. I just had to accept that other person he is.

[thank you babe, see you soon xxx]

That night I was rushing around trying to get ready, I had been at Jess'  for a bit longer than I was expecting so I was trying to get ready on time.

"(yourname) if your not fucking ready then im leaving without you! I'm sure I could pick up a few girls from the bar" he shouted walking through the door.

"oh hey babe! I'm coming now" I said as casual as I could.

I grabbed my bag and heels and quickly walked downstairs. I went to kiss him on his lips but he turned his head. 

"let's go" he said grabbing my hand and leading me to his car.

The meal was going good we were just talking about all different things but not once did he ever ask me how I was, or ask what I'd been up to, it was always about him.

Once the meal was over we headed back to mine. I asked Jack if we could snuggle up on the sofa and just watch a movie but He was having none of it, he pulled me towards him and started to kiss all over my body. Things started to get heated and I tried to enjoy it but I couldn't. It never felt right.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now