Part 61

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Later that night, the house was all sorted and I was now sitting on my own feeling extremely 

lonely. I had managed to live on my own in America for 8 months but there was always that spot

of boredom I got which drove me crazy.

There was a sudden knock on the door so I quickly hurried over to answer it, to see Aston standing

there smiling.

His plan for tonight was to come see the house and then take me up to my parents, considering I hadn't seen

them in ages. It was quite a drive away but we didn't plan on staying there the night. I wanted to

get home so I could try my first night out in the new surroundings of my home.

We reached my parents house at about 6. I climbed out leaving Aston a bit behind to lock the car

up and stuff.

"Oh my gosh (yourname) darling! I have missed you soo much! I'm so glad your home" My mum said as she

swung open the door, pulling me in for a hug, not even giving me time to knock.

She then led me and Aston both inside to where LOADS of my family were waiting. 

I recieved millions of hugs and kisses before I eventually sat down, pulling Aston down next to me.

Aston had met my family quite a few times now, considering we had been friends for so long, but I 

could always sense he was a little bit nervous.

"aw look at you two" my Great Nan said cooing at us both sitting beside each other. "how long has it 

been then?" 

I looked at Aston who scratched the back of his head awkwardly making me laugh.

"Oh noo, we're not together nan"

"oohh nonsense.. we all know that's not true"

"Mum!" my grandad said trying to stop her from carrying on.

We all just laughed as she sat there sipping her tea, not fazed at all by the conversation she had

just caused.

It got to about half 10 and we thought it was best we head off, so after saying goodbye to all my

relatives we made our way to Astons car.

"Sorry about all the people" I laughed as he began to drive off, waving to them all at the front


"Nah it's all good, I didn't mind. You just have alooot of family though"

"that I do... But I could sense you were nervous" I laughed poking his leg slightly.

"Me? Never get nervous babe!"

"Whateverrr!" I laughed before relaxing myself in the seat ready to go to sleep for the long journey, leaving

Aston to drive us back.

I was soon awoken by Astons voice loudly shreaking in my ear. "(YOURNAMEEEEEE) WAKE UP!!"

He began to shake me as I didn't move an inch.

"Fuuuuck off!" I shouted back to him causing him to laugh at my moodiness.

"ay ay grumpy!!"

"I'm sure there was a nicer way you could have woke me up, Instead of shouting down my earhole!" I said un-doing my 

seatbelt and opening my car door. "Now go home"

"Fineeee!" he grinned giving me a sarcastic wave as I ignored him and walked up to my door, him pulling

away and driving down the road.

The next morning I woke up bright and early, getting showered and dressed in under an hour.

I had slept so well last night, and I was already loving being back home. The only thing that

I wasn't liking so much was the weather. Cold and Miserable. Not like back in America.

I wandered downstairs, checking my post and then heading straight for my car and driving off to the local


Today was the day. Yep. I was about to find out if I was pregnant or not. I still hadn't told anyone.

Stacey was the only one who knew. I thought it was best, considering it wasn't a definate thing just yet

so it seemed stupid causing panic.

When I told Stacey I was planning on taking a test today she was fuming say I should have told Aston.

She didn't think it was right that I was dealing with this all on my own. Yeah, I'd agree with her if 

he was my boyfriend. But we were far from it, so I was no where near his resposibility or for him to even care.

"that one please" I said, pointing to the most expensive pregnancy test that was behind the counter.

The lady took it down smiling, bagging it up and taking my money.

She then handed me a few leaflets... 'Life as a mother'. I kind of sighed to myself at the thought of it.

"Just incase" she smiled. "Good Luck"

I just nodded my head without saying anything. I didn't want to explain my life story to her so thought it

was best I just be polite.

Before heading home I popped into tesco, grabbing a sandwich and crips from the meal deal considering I really

couldn't be bothered making myself anything and then headed home.

"Right. Everything will be okay" I whispered trying to reasure myself.

I wanted to do this alone. I wanted to become that independant girl again that I was when I was in America.

Ever since Aston, Stacey and that had to visit me there I felt myself getting more dependent on them all over 

again. I didn't want that to happen. I wanted to concenrate on my job, earning my own wages and looking after myself.

Most people in life let you down so I had to learn to deal with things myself.

I dumped my stuff on the kitchen table and headed upstairs. Ready to see what result would lie ahead of me.

This could change everything. My whole life, career, friendships... I was truely shitting it.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now