Part 79

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The weeks were passing slowly and I had done loads of new shoots. One thing that was bugging me though was the underwear one. Claire still hadn’t heard back from the designers and even though I didn’t want to do this in the first place I was getting slightly worried.

“Maybe they don’t want me anymore?” I said to Stacey as she was sat opposite me round my dinning table.

“Of course they want you! Maybe they are just busy!” she said trying to reassure me. She didn’t really understand this modelling industry, and the fact that if a designer wants a Model they will work as quickly as possible to get them before they miss their chance. Karen and Paris defiantly weren’t fighting for me right now, they were doing the complete opposite.

Me and Stacey were sat finishing our dinner while chatting away about her wedding which was approaching very fast when I received a message from Chloe.

[I’m going up to Newcastle for the tour on Thursday. Any chance you are free to join me? You could surprise Ast! xx]

I replied back…

{Unfortunately not L I want to go soo bad though!Xxx}


[Call your manager! See if you can move things around?xx]


{I have meetings Thursday and Friday… but maybe I’ll give her a call Xxx}

Even though there was the tinyist… close to no chance Claire would let me move anything around I had a slight bit of hope. I was dying to see Aston and to surprise him by travelling up there seemed like a pretty good idea. I just doubt I would be able to.

“Hey Claire!”

“(yourname) are you okay sweetie?”

“er yeaah, I was just wondering… considering we haven’t heard anything back from Karen and Paris, is there a chance I would be able to move a few of my meetings around and take Thursday and Friday off?”

I heard her shuffling around on her computer for a few seconds before she replied. “Of course! I don’t see why not. The meetings aren’t major. I’m sure nothing will be brought up that you don’t already know about”

The biggest smile managed to creep it’s way up onto my face. I ended the call with Claire after thanking her several times and began to text Chloe.

{It’s a YES!!! I can comeeeeeeeeeeee Xxx}


[YAAY. Aston is going to looove you for this!xx]

Thursday came and I was all packed and ready for Chloe to pick me up. She had decided we should drive up there and make a whole day trip of it. She had told JB we were coming but told him to promise not to tell Aston which he had agreed on.

{I miss you so much too L Will see you in 1 week and a half thooo!!! Xxx}

The past few days I had to keep my mouth zipped when talking to Aston. He had brought up so many times about me not going to the tour and I just had to make out I still couldn’t go. I was missing him like crazy and couldn’t wait to see him. To see the look on his face when he saw me would hopefully be priceless.

“Let’s gooooooooo!” Chloe shouted as we both climbed into her car and then headed off on our long road trip. All the way up there we had music blasting and chatting away, even though we couldn’t hear half of what each other was saying. It got to about 2’o clock and we decided it’d be best if we stopped for something to eat. We pulled in at a service station and grabbed a sandwich and sat in the boiling hot sun, hoping to get a slight tan.

True Love Always Finds A Way.. Aston Merrygold (JLS) Fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now