Chapter 9: Aether and Artemus

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(Third POV)


'Mommy? Why is there a scary lady in there with daddy?' Asked a five year old girl as she tugged onto her mother's dress. A woman with long platinum blonde hair had entered the house along with her father after he came home from work one day, and they were currently talking about something in the living room. The female sighed and placed a hand on top of her daughter's head.

'Business, as usual...'

'Isn't she another one of the company's work partners?' Another child chimed in from the dining room table, this time an eleven year old boy. 'What was it... Artner... Asher... Apple?'

'Aether...' The third child, a nine year old girl answered him as she looked up from her book.

'Yeah, them!' The boy snapped his fingers. 'Anyway, you think they want to combine businesses?'

'It's definitely a possibility. Though doesn't something have to happen first?'

The mother was about to answer, but immediately closed her mouth and snapped her head towards the living room as soon as she heard the words 'Arranged Marriage'. Her two older kids shared her shock, while the youngest remained clueless. Quickly, the woman rushed over to the closed door and pressed her ear against it, and her three children mirrored her action with the boy gently holding onto the youngest's shoulders. They listened in for the conversation.

'What are you proposing, Ms. Aether?' A man, the father asked sounding intrigued.

'I have a son, who is only a year older than your youngest. I believe if we combine our companies it'll benefit both Alola and beyond. If both children are willing to go through with the marriage, we can become even bigger!' replied the woman, sounding rather lustful.

'I don't think it'll be a problem. They're both still young. We can drill the fact into their heads early so there's no possible way they can deny it when they start rebelling.'

The middle child let out a quiet muffled gasp, and the grip the oldest had on the child in question tightened. To the siblings their father was an idol, a guide to lead them to the right path. They basically worshipped him, respected him, they had kept him on a pedestal for so long. So hearing him talk about marrying off their little sister so carelessly shocked them to no extent. This couldn't be the father they looked up to, could it? The five year old however was still confused about what was going on. The four backed away from the door, and the mother immediately collapsed onto one of the dining room chairs with a distraught look on her face.

'How can he say that? And in such a way... He was talking as if children are just tools.' The oldest growled as he stroked his youngest sister's head, who had her arms around his waist.

'That is how some businessmen think. But dad? It's unbelievable!' The middle child spoke angrily as she paced the dining room.

'What's an arranged marriage?' The youngest asked, making the other three pause what they were doing to look at her. Their expressions held fear. The mother quickly stood, making the chair squeak on the floorboards, and stormed over to her daughter. She gripped onto her shoulders tightly and examined the child's features for a moment.

'Megan, what I'm about to tell you is strictly between you, me, Luke and Laura. Do not question your father about it, no matter what. Okay?'

The girl tilted her head, but nodded. Her mother began explaining everything.

(End of flashback)

Megan gasped, quickly sitting up from her dream and gripping her hair with one hand. She scanned her surroundings, confirming she was in her and Gladion's room. She sighed and rubbed her temple. 'What the actual hell...? Why would I dream about that? Was it even a dream or... a memory?' She looked over to Gladion, who still sleeping soundly next to her. 'The Aether Foundation... And my dad's company were partners? And... Lusamine, she wanted an arranged marriage between me and-' She paused, before letting out a high pitched gasp. This of course woke Gladion up.

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