Chapter 44: You're right

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"Mimikyu, Shadow Ball!"

Almost immediately after Ninetales appeared an orb of purple energy shot out from behind us, hitting Gardevoir and ending the Psychic attack. We all cheered, moving our limbs around freely.

"Need a hand?" A voice chuckled from behind us, causing us to turn around. In the doorway stood my brother and sister, as well as Kanto champions Red and Green. Red seemed to be dragging one of the scientists, an orange haired girl who I believe is called Aquarius, while Green was carrying my mom on his back. I grinned.

"Took your time I see. You missed me turning into a nightlight."

"A nightlight?!" Laura echoed.

"Nightlight's an understatement." Ein muttered "A star seems more accurate."

I smirked "I'll take that as a complement."

"Correction; an exploding star."


"I rest my case."

"Guys, let's focus here?" Avory scolded, standing between me and the ex-scientist to separate us "Villains. Do you not see the villains?"

"Tch, buzzkill." I muttered, but obliged nonetheless and once again let my eyes fall upon the 'A.L.I'. "Prince, what do you say we show these nerds pain."

'I say,' Prince got into a fighting stance 'Prepare yourselves, hoes!'

Gladion smirked at my enthusiasm, taking out a few pokeballs and once again standing beside me "Gang, let's kick some A.L.I ass!"


"Lycanroc, Crobat!" - Gladion

"Dana, Vaporeon, Ivysaur!" - Lillie

"Decidueye, Braixen!" - Ein

"Setsuko, Incineroar!" - Sun

"Arcanine!" -Laura

"I choose you!!!"

The creatures burst out at once, joining Prince, Pyroar, Ninetales and Mimikyu on the battlefield with their warfaces on. I glanced back at Lillie, who was leaning a still unconscious Hau against the wall.

Poor guy...

Dad smirked, stepping forward and glaring at us "You really think outnumbering us, and holding three of my scientists hostage is going guarantee your win?!"

"Dunno." I shrugged "But that makes it interesting. Prince use Dark Pulse!"

(3rd POV)

"Ampharos use Hyper Beam!"

"Gogoat Vine Whip!"

"Tauros use Take Down!"

"Lycanroc use Stone Edge!"

"Ivysaur please use Razor Leaf!"

The room was filled with trainer calls, moves clashing, Pokemon cries- just utter chaos. It became a battleground, except this was not any ordinary Pokemon battle. This fight would determine not only the fate of the A.L.I, but the fates of the Artemus siblings, and probably the fates of their friends too.

Lillie gasped as an attack just missed her face, flying into the wall behind her and causing a large dent. She turned her head quickly, eying the still unconscious boy leaning against the wall to see if he was alright. To her relief he was untouched, as he continued to sleep against the wall. Lillie gave him a final glance, before turning back to the battle with determination in her eyes.

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