Chapter 15: How can they just vanish?!

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(Megan POV)

'Matthew! Lizzy!' I called for the fifth time in three minutes, trying to catch a glimpse of the two masked siblings. Even a sign of them could've sent me on track to find them. Nothing...

I nuzzled deeper into my coat as the wind blew against my body, while also shielding my face with my arm from the freezing cold rain which crashed down.

'Of all the times they could've gone missing...' I muttered to myself, pulling my hood up even further 'It had to be close to a storm...'

It had been almost two weeks since Matt and Liz's disappearance, and since then literally everyone I knew has been out daily to look for them. Gladion and I had sent our employees to search every inch of Alola, Rose and Guzma asked the grunts of Team Skull to 'keep an eye out', Lillie and Hau have been hanging up missing posters ever since we were confirmed that they were missing, Ashley is out day and night to search without a wink of sleep... Sun had even closed the Pokemon League to help search. Their disappearance has been on the news, police have been informed, word was sent out to other regions... And still nothing!

I growled in irritation, hitting my forehead multiple times with my hand 'How can two adults wearing masks just... vanish?!'

Prince stopped walking from my outburst and turned to me, a worried expression on his face. 'Stop that. You'll end up with a bruised face.'

'Does it look like I care right now, Prince? Two of my friends are missing!' I snapped, before shielding my face from yet another gust of wind.

'I know...' He began walking towards me slowly, his blue rings glowing to light up the area 'But that's why we gotta keep looking for them, instead of beating ourselves up over it.'


'No buts! You can't keep over thinking this. It's bad enough Ashe has been losing sleep over all this! We're all worried about them, trust me I know. That's why we need to stay in high spirits and find them.'

I stared at him in shock, before averting my gaze and sighing 'You're right... I'm sorry...'

'Don't apologize to me. Apologize to your head.'

I laughed sarcastically, before taking my hand out of my pocket and looking down at my watch. Eight thirty pm. I sighed. 'It's getting late. We should be heading back.'

'Good idea. I don't know about you but I'd rather not get a cold from this weather.' Prince replied, shaking drops of rain from his wet black fur.

'Do you think Ashley's still out?'

'Probably... But her Lopunny will be able to get her to come home. And I'm sure Wicke is looking after Emilee as we speak so I wouldn't stress too much.'

'I guess you're right...'

Prince and I nodded towards each other, before turning towards the direction of Aether and walking towards it. Since the sky was way too wild to take to the skies on Draco, we decided to use the pager Sun had leant me for the day to get there on water. I pressed the Sharpedo option on the device and not five seconds later the shark Pokemon swam to our aid. I gently climbed on its back, before holding out my arms for Prince to jump into.

(Slight Timeskip)

'Thank you, Sharpedo.' I told the Pokemon, gently patting its nose with a small smile. The water type gave me a happy growl before it dove back into the depths of the ocean. I sighed as I turned to Prince, who was giving me a look of concern. I smiled at him, showing him I was okay. He nodded back, before leading the way to the house with me trailing behind. As soon as I opened the door Prince dashed in to meet the comforting warm air which welcomed us. I exhaled as I took off my soaking coat, scarf and fingerless gloves and threw them onto the nearby radiator to dry, also kicking off my boots in the process. Prince shook his coat again, almost creating a puddle around him while I squeezed as much rainwater out my hair as I could.

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