After Story: Tonight

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"Gladion, have you seen Edge anywhere?"

I flinched, instantly hiding my face behind a book as Megan poked her head through the door. I tended to show my actual emotions when flustered, so I didn't want her to see my face right now. Not until I calmed down a little, at least.

"N-No, I haven't." I lied "Why, do you need her for something?" I asked, peeking over the top of the book.

"It's not important, I was just hoping I'd be able to show Emilee how a Silvally can change its type. Ya know, for educational purposes." She shrugged, before staring at me with narrowed eyes "Oh, and by the way, your book's upside down."


I quickly turned it the right way up, now using it to hide my embarrassment instead of anything else. I heard Megan laugh, before having the book taken from my grasp. She was now directly in front of me, a playful smirk on her lips.

"W-What?" I stuttered.

"Oh nothing~" She sang "I just don't get a lot of chances to see you flustered, so I'm taking this one while I still can."

My face heated up even further "You're cruel..."

"And you're adorable. For an emo, that is."

"Do you want me to tickle you again. Because I'll do it."

"Eh?!" Her arms immediately shielded her sides "Don't do that, I'm still recovering from last time!"

This made me chuckle. She was adorable, I have no reason to deny that. To be honest, I could hardly stand it; I just wanted to get down on one knee and pop the question right then and there. But I wanted this to be special for her. I wanted her to remember it for the rest of her life, for a good reason.

I was just gonna have to wait... Until sunset, that is. Or else, borrowing Edge without her consent would all be for not.

So instead, I simply grabbed her hand and pulled her down, wrapping my other hand around the back of her neck and pressing my forehead against hers. Even if she wasn't a Silvally anymore, it was something we would still do. And, I doubt it would go away anytime soon.

"Let's go out tonight. I want to do something special for you..."

Now her cheeks were burning, and she tried to form a sentence through all her stuttering.

"W-W-What? Y-Y-You want t-to go out... w-with me?"

I chuckled again, tracing my thumb across her jawline "That is what I said, isn't it?"

"W-Well yeah! Um... W-Where would we go?"


"Out where?"

"That information's classified."

"Out where?"


"Out where?"

I shut my mouth, glaring into her eyes which were still right in front of mine. She grinned playfully and proceeded to ask again.

"Out where."

"Do you want to know that badly?"


"Will it kill you if I didn't tell you?"

"Care to find out?" She challenged.

I sighed, deciding to humour her for the time being "Fine..."

I leaned in to whisper it into her ear, causing her to silently gasp from surprise.

"We are going..."



I quickly pecked her cheek and pulled away, flipping over the back of the couch before standing straight and smirking at her from over my shoulder.

"GLADION!" She yelled, absolutely fuming.

I winked "That's the best you're gonna get, sweetheart."



Oh my God if only I had I camera. Her cheeks were red from fury, shoulders raised up to her ears and fists clenched. Her lips were pressed together in a thin line, making it all the more fascinating. I loved it when she got worked up like this, which made it all the more enjoyable. Call me sadistic if you want, but really, I'm not sorry.

"See you tonight. Love you." I gave her a salute with my hand before speed walking out of the room, laughing after hearing her yell out in anger. Although I was pleased with myself, I knew I'd have to make up for it later... Meh, whatever, I can live with that.

However, I lost my smile instantly when I realised what my intentions were. I was going to propose, tonight. Not only that, but I was already assuming Megan would say yes. I love her, and I'm certain she loves me too but...

Was she ready for marriage?

I bit my lip, walking into the nearest room, which happened to be the office, before closing the door and leaning against it. My heart was beating faster than normal, making me realise how nervous I was getting from just one thought. My hand was shaking, too. Which tells you a lot about my current mental state. I placed a hand over my face, gripping my bangs and letting out a breath. I had to calm down. I was probably overthinking it.


Who am I kidding, this is huge! You don't propose to your significant other everyday! And especially if that significant other is anything like mine!

Breathe, Gladion...

I huffed, closing my eyes and thinking about things that'll calm me down. Usually, that would be Megan, but right now thinking about her was getting me all riled up.

'Dude, of course! You have my blessing, without a doubt!'

Luke's words repeated in my mind, causing me to stop what I was doing instantly.

'Gladion I know you're nervous right now. Anyone would be if they were proposing to the one they love. But that's what you got to remember; you love her, and she loves you. That won't change no matter what. If she's not ready, then fine. Wait until she is ready. Just because she's not ready, doesn't mean it's over for you two. It just means you have more growing to do, together.'

He was right...

Even if she says no, that won't mean I'll love her any less. Why would I? It'll just mean we have a few more milestones to cross, before we were ready for that.

And honestly, with her with me, I'd be willing to wait however long it takes.

Nodding to myself I opened the door again, storming out with confidence as I strode down the hall.

This is it. I thought. I'm doing it, tonight.

A/N: Alright, so. This was pretty much a filler chapter. But don't worry, the next one will (hopefully) be worthwhile. Also, if you haven't guessed, this book is nearing its end. Maybe the next will be the last, maybe there will be one after. Who knows. But, there will be a bonus like there was in Just Partners. I just can't tell you what it will be.

Sorry not sorry *lenny face*

But anyway, this has been quite an experience to write. It's had its ups and downs. Sometimes I wanted to give up and discontinue it, and others I wanted nothing more than to write up ideas that come to me (most I get while on the bus home from college)

It's strange... how far this book has come. How far both this and Just Partners have come...

I'm not going to cry.

Anyway I think I've said enough. I gotta go wish my friend a happy birthday. (His birthday's on May 4th and he hates Star Wars! Do you even know how much teasing material I have from this?!)


I am such a sadistic b#&!*

Okey. Bye cinnamon rolls. Luv ya <3

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