After Story: More than anything

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Gladion was released from the hospital the day after he woke up, which was a week ago. Turns out the beasts didn't affect him as badly as they did Lusamine. Though, I shouldn't be surprised, since Lusamine was with the beasts for quite a long time, while Gladion only spent a week and a half with them. That didn't mean he was completely up to speed, though. He was still slightly shaken up, making him a little more fragile than normal. Another thing I should mention, is the fact he had become oddly affectionate since he woke up.

Now wasn't an exception.

The boy was huddled up to my side, arms locked around my waist and head resting against my chest as the two of us watched TV. Now, I wasn't about to complain about getting all this affection from him, but it did seem very unlike him.

"Hey, Gladion?"


"Are you okay? You've been kinda clingy lately."

Gladion lifted his head and gave me a somewhat worried expression "Am I making you feel uncomfortable?"

"What? Oh, no no no." I waved my hand rapidly in dismissal "I just wanted to know if you were troubled about something."

"Oh." He seemed relieved as he let out a sigh. He reached up and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear "It's nothing like that, I'm just taking my time to appreciate all the amazing things in my life."


A large blush crept onto my face, and I turned my head to the side while covering my mouth with my fist "Oh my Arceus, you're killing me here Gladion..."

"Oh really?" He raised a teasing eyebrow "How so?"

"Because you're too damn cute! I can't handle it!"

Gladion laughed as he watched me become a flustered mess. Though, when calming down he gently pulled my hands away from my face and rested his forehead against mine.

"I wasn't kidding, you know. You are one of the best things that's happened to me. And to be fair, most of the others, excluding Lillie, are because of you. Like Sun and Hau, for example; We wouldn't have even met them if it weren't for our battle."

"Aww, they're special to you, my little edgelord's growing up~"

He grunted, pulling his face away before flicking my forehead "Don't push it."

I laughed "Sorry, sorry."

"Hey guys!" Hau greeted us cheerfully as he and Lillie walked in, hand in hand.

"Alola!" Gladion responded just as happily, chuckling afterwards.

They watched him with a raised eyebrow, and Lillie was the one to ask "Did we miss something?"

"No," Gladion grinned, pulling me against him "We're just enjoying life."


"Who are you and what have you done to my brother?"

"That's exactly what I thought!" I yelled "I think Nihilego's still messing with his head."

"WHAT?!" Hau charged forward and grabbed Gladion's face, staring intensely at him "Release my friend you damn beast!"


"Don't worry, Gladion! We'll get you ba--"

"Hau, I'm not possessed." Gladion declared, eyebrow twitching in irritation.

"That's exactly what someone who's possessed would say!"

Lillie and I exchanged glances and sweatdropped, smiling awkwardly at our boyfriends' behaviour.

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