Chapter 25: They break

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(Third POV)

'-And if you would look over there, kids, you will find two Rhyhorn.' Megan stated with a smile, taking one of her hands away from the clipboard she was holding to point to her right. The group of Elementary schoolers turned their heads eagerly to gaze upon the Pokemon she mentioned. As said, two Rhyhorn were grazing in a nearby area. They were the same size, but you could still tell them apart as one had a scar running over his horn. The kids gasped in awe.

'Soo cool!'

'They're so big!'

'I wanna pet them!'

Megan giggled at their reactions before continuing her lecture 'Those two actually came out of the same egg. Can anyone tell me what that makes them?' she asked the group (Idec if that's not possible. It's my story and I can do whatever the f*ck I please!)

A girl shot her hand up, bouncing off her heels slightly to try and get the adults attention.

'Yes, sweetie?' Megan nods to the child.

'It makes them twins!' she squealed.

'That's right! Those Rhyhorn are twin brothers, and only came to the paradise a couple of months ago.' Megan grinned 'The one with the scar's called Gintaras and his brother's called Keiichi.'

The Rhyhorn lifted their heads once they heard their names, and Megan waved at them causing them to purr happily. The kids giggled happily and ran to the railings, hoping to get a better look.

Megan let out a deep breath, pushing back any loose hair as she currently had her hair in a bun. She was required to look as grown up as possible for this. Keeping kids entertained was hard, especially when she had one of her own on its way. A woman with black hair and amber eyes scooted next to her and smiled. She was the teacher in charge of this trip.

'You're doing great!' She complimented the Vice-president.

'Thanks, Aphena.' Megan gave her a tired smile 'Though it is really hard to keep up this outgoing facade...'

'Trust me, it's even harder when you're me. I have to do it all day every day.'


Aphena huffed, before smiling again 'Thanks again for letting us have our class trip here, and hosting it.'

'It's really no problem. Trust me compared to the other things that have been going on around here, this is a walk in the park.' Megan joked.

'You mean with two of your employees missing?'

'Something like that.'

Aphena raised an eyebrow at her, but shrugged it off. It was better not to ask she thought. 'Well anyway, this trip is just about over. Though the kids really want to meet President Gladion before they go.'

Megan's breath hitched at the mention of Gladion's name. She desperately wanted to avoid him for as long as possible if she could. However, she wanted to make this visit as enjoyable as possible for the students. God dammit...

'Of course.' She told Aphena with a fake smile 'I'll send someone to fetch him so when everyone's done looking at the Pokemon, they can meet him.'

'Really? Oh my gosh, vice-president Megan-'

'Just Megan's fine, Aph.'

'Oh, sorry. Still, you're making this day amazing for my students!'

Megan smiled again, this time genuine 'That's what I was aiming for.'

An employee walked past, only to be stopped by a tap on his shoulder. He turned around with a raised eyebrow, only to straighten up once he saw who it was 'V-Vice president! What can I do for you?'

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