Chapter 46: Vows

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(Really long chapter ahead. 3366 words long)

(3rd POV)

"Oh my gosh, do you look gorgeous or what?!"

Ashe blushed, giggling lightly as the four females in front of her picked their jaws off the floor. Her mother held a handkerchief up to her face, tears threatening to fall as she stared at her daughter in complete happiness.

"Oh my baby, all grown up!" She wailed, throwing her arms around the caramel haired woman. Ashe stumbled, but was able to regain her balance with help from Laura.

"Mom," She muttered with a tight grin "Watch the dress."

"I'M SORRY!" The middle aged woman cried "I can't help it, can you blame me?! My daughter's finally getting married!"

Hearthome city; Sinnoh. A special day for many- the day a grand ceremony would commence.

Luke Artemus and Ashley Song's wedding day.

In less than half an hour Ashe would walk down the aisle, say her vows, and finally seal her fate with the love of her life for all eternity.

She gulped nervously as she watched Lillie style her long caramel hair, her knee bobbing up and down under her dress as she thought about what was to come.

She felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Relax, will ya?" Laura told her with a reassuring smile "There's nothing to be nervous about, you're marrying my brother for Arceus' sake!"

"I know!" Ashe squeaked "It all seems so surreal, I feel like I'm dreaming! What if this is a dream, and- and when I wake up Luke doesn't want me anymore! Or- Or what if he leaves me during the ceremony, or--"

"Girl, breathe!" Rose commanded, walking up to her with Emilee cradled in her arms. Ashe glanced over to the short girl, noticing the confident smile on her face as she spoke "Luke loves you, trust me I can tell. He's not going to leave you for anybody, for any reason."

"Yeah and if he does bail," Lillie began, placing her hands on the woman's shoulders and bending down slightly so she was level with her head "He'll have to deal with us girls~"

The three bridesmaids 'whoop'ed in agreement, fisting the air with massive grins on their faces. Ashley watched them, a small smile tugging at her lips, before her eyes casted down to her legs.

"I just wish Megan was here to see her brother get married..."

The room fell silent, so silent you could hear a pin drop, Lillie, Rose and Laura's faces falling at the mention of the girl. Even Emilee seemed upset at her name, as her fist fell from her mouth to her side.

"It's already been three months..." Laura murmured, hands holding her upper arms as she furrowed her brows.

Lillie nodded "It's been tough... for all of us..."

Rose sniffled "I miss her..."

Ashe's mother watched the girls, a solemn look on her face as they talked about their friend.




They heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." Ashe's mom volunteered, leaving the room to greet whoever was knocking.

Lillie knelt down next to Ashe, taking her hands and giving her a sad smile.

"We gotta be strong, okay?" She whispered.

"Yeah, she wouldn't want us moping around on your wedding." Rose agreed, bouncing Emilee further up.

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