Chapter 21: The note

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(Gladion POV)

After we moved into Ashley's bedroom, she began explaining everything from how she got the note to what it said. We were horrified.

'They're took Matt and Liz, because they want Megan?!' I snarled, my fists clenching further and my face tightening from anger. Megan sat on the bed behind me, silent and tense from the information. She's blaming herself, knowing her.

'Yes.' Ashley answered simply.

'Why would they-'

'Who cares why?' Sun cut in, pushing away from the wall he was leaning against 'What matters is they have, and Megan may be in trouble. We can't take her safety lightly from now on.'

'We already know that but what're we supposed to do? Never ever leave her side?' Hau asked with a hint of sarcasm in his voice, as he held his hands up in a questioning manner.

'We'll think of something.' Ashley answered

'Why can't we just give them what they want?'

We all turned to Megan, shocked she would even suggest such a thing. She stared back with no emotion visible on her face.

'Why would you even suggest that?!' Lillie cried.

Megan shrugged 'It seems like our best option.'

'How?!' Sun yelled.

'They get me, and the pain will stop.' She answered.

'We don't even know for certain if they have Matthew and Lizzy!' Ashley blurted 'And even if they did, there's no way we'll ever hand you over to them!'

'Why not? Don't you want to see Matt again?'

'Of course I do! But he wouldn't want you to give yourself up for him! And the note just said they'd end the pain, not that they'd let them go!'

'Still, I-'

'Will you just stop!'

Megan's eyes focused directly on me, but her expression didn't change. I continued 'There's no way we'll ever give you up to these scums, especially when they know who you are! We have no idea what their intentions are, but from what the note says it can't be good! If you run blindly into them you could risk the baby getting hurt!'

Megan kept her eyes on me, and visibly placed a hand on her stomach. Her face finally showed emotion as her brows arched downwards. I sighed, before relaxing my muscles which were tensed this entire time. However my face remained in a scowl.

'You can't be so careless about this! If these people actually have Matt and Liz we know they could hurt all three of you to get what they want! I'm not going to let you take the easiest way out of this. Not without putting up a fight! That's probably gonna be the most r*tarded thing you've ever done!'

The girl averted her gaze so she was staring down at her lap. 'I just don't want anyone to be hurt because of me...' She whispered.

She really is blaming herself...

Before I could say anything she stood up, and stormed out of the room with her head down. Everyone followed her with their eyes until she was completely out of sight. Lillie turned to me with a frown.

'You could've been less harsh with her.' She quietly hissed.

'She was going to put herself in harm's way. I had to get it through her stubborn head that it would make the situation worse rather than better.' I explained with a low voice, as my anger hadn't subsided.

'You could've at least used a softer tone of voice.' Hau shuddered 'I felt your infuriation from here!'

'Hau and Lillie are right!' Sun chimed in 'Yelling at her wasn't the right approach in this situation! In fact, I think you made her feel ten times worse!'

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