Chapter 32: Catching up

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(Leven POV)

'Sir, you asked for me?'

I pushed open the doors to the boss's office, only to find him with his back turned to me. He was staring at the screens showing our cells, his hands behind his back. Once I entered the room he turned around, gazing at me with his cold tired aqua eyes.

'Ah, Pisces, glad you could make it.' He said, before gesturing to the seat in front of his desk 'Have a seat.'

I nodded, making my way towards the simple wooden chair and sitting down. Mr. Artemus followed, sitting on his large leather seat behind his desk and picking up a few papers. Scratching his stubble he handed one to me.

'Here is the schedule for the tests.' He stated 'I want to make sure there is nothing Megan possesses that can meddle with her transfer.'

'You mean the mutation, sir?'

'Whatever you want to call it, I want her fixed like her brother and sister were. I can't have her impurity spreading through my family.'

I stared at the graph with furrowed brows, raising my glasses to the top of my head occasionally for bits I couldn't quite read. Once scanning the entire paper I made eye contact with my boss 'And... What if her pregnancy interferes?'

'Then it can't be helped.' He propped his elbows onto the desk and laced his fingers together 'We'll have to dispose of the little setback.'

'Isn't that a little harsh?'

'I would think not. She is underaged and should not take the burden of being a mother this early, especially with her badmouth. From what I've seen she would only rub that sinful behaviour onto my grandchildren, which is unacceptable. If anything, I think we'd be doing her a favour.'

'That does make sense...' I placed a hand to my chin, thinking for a moment 'How are we going to get her out of the cell though? Luke and Laura are sure to defend her.'

'Simple; split them up.'


He grinned slightly 'Attempt to receive her for her first test in a few hours. If what you predict is true, we'll separate them into different cells tomorrow morning. Oh, and I would take the remote for their restrainers just in case they attempt to transform, along with Aries to help 'escort' the child to the labs.'

With a small nod to show I understood, I was dismissed and sent out of the office. I closed the door behind me and began walking down the hall, only to cross paths with a familiar caramel-headed boy.

'Hello, Leo.'

'Oh, hey Pisces.'

We stopped walking so we were in front of each other, both showing no emotion as we conversed slightly. To be honest, I wasn't too fond of Leo, and I think he thinks the same of me. However we are able to remain civil around each over during work hours.

'So, I heard the reunion went well...' Leo rubbed the back of his neck 'That's good I guess.'

'Not if we plan to run tests on them.' I retorted 'It's within their nature to protect one another, so this will make it harder to seperate them.'

He grimaced 'Good point.'

I folded up the timetable in my hands and placed it in my labcoat pocket, before running a hand through my hair 'How's treating them going?'

'Oh it's great.' He deadpanned 'I love cleaning up innocent people from unnecessary beatings.'

'We only do it when their resistant, Leo.'

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