Chapter 10: Talking to Lusamine

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Lizzie stormed down the corridor, infuriated with the information she had acquired as she scanned every room for the ex president of Aether. She was going to find out what connections Aether had with Artemus, and if the arranged marriage was still on the table. Matthew followed behind her, looking angrier than he ever had before which caused the Pokemon of Aether Paradise to inch away from the pair. The employees also seemed to sense the tension in the air. Soon a purple haired woman caught Lizzie's eye, causing her to walk towards her with a stern expression. 'Wicke!'

Wicke heard her name and turned around 'Oh, Lizzy, Matthew, How-' Her smile faded as she saw the young man and woman's irritation, replacing it with a frown. 'What's wrong? Why do you two look so... angry?'

'We'll explain later. For now, have you any idea where Lusamine is? It's important.' Matthew answered, running a hand through his long brown hair. Wicke's eyes narrowed.

'She's in her room, dears. But why-'

'Thanks gotta go bye!' Lizzie stormed off, dragging Matthew by the wrist as she headed towards the blonde haired woman's room. Wicke blinked in surprise, wondering why the two young adults were so tense.

Lusamine sat at her table, sipping her tea as she read a book about two star-crossed lovers. She sighed contently as she looked at her Lilligant, who was sitting opposite to her. 'Isn't this wonderful, Lilligant? It's nice to just sit peacefully once in awhile.'

'Lilli~' The grass type sang, smiling at her trainer. The moment however was short lived as the large doors swung open, making the two snap their heads towards it.

'What in the name of- Lizzy? Matthew?' Lusamine raised an eyebrow 'What are you doing here, and with such anger?'

'We want to talk to you about something.' Lizzy growled lowly 'Are you familiar with a family called... The Artemus'?'

Lusamine's breath hitched at the mention of the name as she bit her lip nervously. She placed her tea cup back on the table and stood, before walking over to the two. 'I am, unfortunately. Though it was when I was under the mind tricks of Nihilego I was involved greatly with them.'

'Is that why you carried out the same experiment?' Matthew asked sternly.

'What do you-'

'Don't play dumb!' Lizzy spat 'Fusing Megan with a Type:Null? All of those poor creatures marked 'failed experiments'? They seem far too similar to be a coincidence, don't you think?'

Lusamine paused, these two obviously weren't going to leave without a fight. With a sigh she gestured to her bed 'Have a seat. This will take awhile to explain if you want the whole story.'

Lizzy and Matthew glanced at each other, before nodding at her and sitting on the bed. From the way she moved they could tell Lusamine was uncomfortable about the topic, but they needed answers. Especially if it's related to their sister. Lusamine fiddled with her fingers, wondering where she should start. She decided it would be best if it was when she first met the Artemus'. She took a deep breath, getting the siblings' attention, and began telling them the entire story.

'It all started when my husband told me we were going to have dinner with one of his old friends and his wife, which I was more than happy with because any friend of Mohn was a friend of mine. That's when I met Benjamin and Maria, and their newborn son Luke. We became close over time, and soon work partners. Benjamin was an interesting man. Charming, witty, cunning. Though he was also obsessed with biology and how humans and Pokemon work. It seemed like a decent hobby at the time, since understanding the two species could help the world become a better place. One day Benjamin came to us with a proposal, he told us what if we could help people and Pokemon who couldn't understand each other. Help them live in harmony and peace. We didn't exactly know what this meant, but it definitely caught our attention. We wanted to benefit the world. At least... Maria, Mohn and I did. Maria, being a doctor, began studying the DNA of her Pokemon and three children under the watch of Benjamin, and soon found their was a way to fuse them. Though she recommended highly against it, Benjamin was surely interested.'

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