Chapter 42 pt 1: Operation Perfection

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(Gladion POV)

We stepped through the opening, ready to take action as soon as we are given the directions from Rose...

'Ein, Sun, go down the corridor to your right. The control room will be on your right after the fifth turn.'

There we go.

'Got it.' the two ravenette's nodded in sync before dashing off down the dimly lit hallway, their footsteps getting fainter as they ran across the floor tiles.

'Lillie and Hau, go straight ahead and the research lab will be the eighth door to your left.'


Before they could run off, I grabbed Lillie's wrist. She looked back at me with an eyebrow raised, while I stared back with my eyebrows arched upwards.

'Be safe...' I whispered.

Lillie smiled gently, giving me a gentle hug before pulling away 'I will. You will too, right?'

I nodded 'Of course.'

My eyes travelled to Hau, who shifted uncomfortably under my gaze. I sighed and placed a hand on his shoulder, startling him slightly.

'Hau, please protect her for me.' I spoke with a firm yet gentle voice 'Take care of my little sister.'

The boy nodded sincerely as he spoke in a solemn voice 'I'll die before I'd let anything happen to her.'

The corner of my lips quirked upwards as I gave his shoulder a light pat, before backing away from them and nodding

'Good luck, you two.'

'Same to you.' They smiled.

The teens took off as fast as they could. I watched with a tad of nervousness as my sister moved farther away from me.

I heard Rose clear her throat through my earpiece 'Red and Green. Go east. The cells are behind the large door at the end of the hall.'

'Got it.' Green answered as he and Red ran off. It was just me and Avory now...

'The rest of you, meaning Gladion and Antony-'

'It's Avory.'

'-Avory, make your way down the corridor directly to your left. The leader's office will be behind the large grey doors. There's more than one person there, and security gets higher the further you get so stay alert.'

Avory and I exchanged glances, before nodding towards each other and running. My heart pounded against my ribcage, feeling many nerves hit me at once the further we went. We only had one shot at this, and we had to be completely flawless carrying it out. If one of us slips up... we're all done for.

(Sun POV)

I continued to sprint down the dimly lit corridor, with Ein a few feet in front of me since he knew the place better than I did. To be honest I didn't like being paired up with him, mostly because he was an A.L.I scientist. At any point he can alert his little friends, and blow our cover. It also doesn't help that he's attractive either. The evilest are the ones with the best looks. Proven by Leven...

Tch... whatever I'm stuck with him now. Besides if I needed to shut him up I could just ask Mudsdale to flatten him


Yea, that's what I'll do.

'Oi, you back down on earth yet?' I heard Ein whisper yell, snapping me out of my thoughts. I noticed he was right in front of me, one arm crossed over his chest while the other was outstretched with his fingers snapping in front of my face. I grunted and swatted his hand away.

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