Chapter 22: Can't help but love her

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(Gladion POV)

'Hey, Wicke?'

'Hmm? Yes young master?'

The purple haired woman turned to me, eyebrow raised as she waited for me to continue. I took a deep breath.

'Megan's abilities. Will they be passed onto the baby when it's born?'

Wicke placed a finger on her chin, furrowing her brows as she thought of an answer. When she did she once again looked at me and shook her head. 'I shouldn't think so. Megan can do what she does because her soul is connected with a Silvally, not because she is half Pokemon.'

'That makes sense...' I sighed, closing my eyes.

'Young master... You do know she might not be able to have the child, right?'

I opened my eyes and frowned at her 'What?

'The deadline is drawing near, Gladion... It pains me deeply to tell you this, but it's been four years and we have not found even a clue to curing Megan. I don't... I don't think we can save her.'

I felt two emotions rush through my body, one being sadness and the other anger. 'Excuse me? That sounds like you're giving up!'

'I am doing nothing of the sort! I just don't want you to have false hope.'

Tears began welling up in my eyes, and I covered my face with my hand. I heard Wicke sigh.

'Trust me, Gladion. I don't want to accept it either. But, we may have to... Megan may not live to bear hers and your child...'

My eyes shot open, and I gasped loudly while sitting up on my bed. I must've accidentally fallen asleep...

I ran a hand through my hair, trying to steady my breathing as the dream kept repeating in my mind.

No... It wasn't a dream... It was a memory.

I felt something wet drop onto my leg, which was when I noticed I was crying. I silently cursed under my breath and wiped the tears from my face, before hearing a knock on my door.

'Yeah?' I called groggily.

The door opened, revealing a very tired looking Sun. His hair was messy and he wasn't wearing his beanie. He avoided eye contact, and his lower body remained behind the half opened door.

'Hey...' He murmured.

'Hi.' I responded in a similar tone, but it held a pinch of confusion. 'What do you need?'

'Uhm...' He ruffled his hair. 'Megan... Kinda fell asleep on the couch downstairs. I was just wondering if it was alright if I brought her up here.'

'Why would you need permission for that?' I raised an eyebrow 'You'd only be bringing her to her room.'

'I know that,' He paused, before finally making eye contact with me 'I just thought, ya know, after what happened earlier this morning you wouldn't want to see me... And I don't know if you and Megs are on good terms right now.'

'Oh... Yeah okay I see your point.' I pursed my lips 'It's fine for you to bring her in.'

Sun nodded before disappearing down the corridor. I'd say it was about twenty minutes until he came back in, carrying a sleeping Megan in his arms. He looked at me, as if he wanted me to take her. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and walked over to him, holding Megan close to me as soon as he handed her to me.

'Thanks, Sun.' I whispered.

He nodded and turned around to leave, only to stop in the doorway. He turned to me once again with a guilty expression.

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