Chapter 26: And they fall apart

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(Megan POV)

'Shhh, it's alright... just let everything out...'

I sobbed quietly into Prince's fur, my arms around his torso as we lay side by side on the couch. Prince used his tail to rub my back, as he knew Gladion did this to help me calm down. It wasn't as effective, but it does make me feel a little better to know I wasn't completely alone.

'I-I don't even recognize him a-anymore, Prince.' I cried 'After all these y-years, he seems so... I don't know... terrifying to me now. I don't think I can even look him in the eye anymore.'

'I know...' Prince rubbed his head against my hair 'And I'm not going to tell you everything will be alright, because I don't know if it will... but I can tell you that you are not alone in this.'

I sniffled 'Thank you Prince...'

I looked up, only to stare directly at the reflection in the TV. Staring back at me was a girl, with blue eyes and long hair mixed with blonde and brunette and highlighted red. She had an ugly scar running down the right side of her body which I couldn't tear my eyes away from. I remembered how sh*t I treated Gladion after the incident, and that I almost cut him down over a little irritation.

'Well anyway, I'm no better than him...' I muttered bitterly 'Except I look like a monster.'

(3rd POV)

Unknown to Megan and Prince, Gladion sat in the hallway, his back up against the living room door. He gritted his teeth as he listened in to everything Megan says about him and herself.

'No wonder Gladion hates me now... he has every right to. He's come to his senses, finally realising loving a mutation like me is a big old waste of his precious time.' she spoke in a rather mocking tone. 'I don't blame him, really. I bet he regrets having sex with me, I would if I was him. I bet he regrets confessing to me when we were in the Pokemon Center waiting room. I bet he regrets finding me as Type:Null...' Her voice became shakier from every word, until she became silent. Presumably Prince was scolding her for thinking such bullsh*t.

Gladion bowed his head and cried softly into his arms. Did Megan really think so lowly of him?


Megan walked silently down the halls, the only sound she made was her feet pressing onto the floor. She had to get some clothes from her room, as she had worn the same thing for days, but that risked her running into Gladion either on the way or in the actual room. That was probably why her palms were sweaty and her heart was beating faster. Not the usual way Gladion made it beat, as this time it was from fear. Megan walked into the room, realising the light was off so Gladion must not be in. She felt the tension drain, and she reached out to feel for the light switch.

'Come on... Where are yo-' she paused as her hand pressed against something fabricky and warm 'Wait... That's not a lightswitch, or a wall.'

'No, that's my chest.'

'AH!' she screamed, jumping back and getting into her fighting stance. Light filled the room, revealing Gladion with his hand on the light switch. He was staring at Megan with a cold expression, making her feel the nerves come rushing back.

'Well well well...' He hissed, slowly making his way towards Megan. With every step forward he took, she took a step back. He noticed she wasn't looking him in the eye, and instead gazing directly at his crossed arms.

'I don't think I can even look him in the eye anymore.'

He clenched his jaw, proceeding to take another step forward. 'What's wrong, Megan? Am I truly that terrifying to you now?' he spat.

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