Chapter 34: Innocent

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'Hey, kid, aren't you a little young to be in a place like this? Or are you trapped like me?'

I squinted as the figure chuckled, their yellow catlike eyes glowing in the dark as they stared at me.

'Actually, sweetie, I work here.' they said in a playful voice 'And for the record, I'm two years older than you.'

So they're like, nineteen?

'Who are you?' I asked in a stern voice, my body automatically going into a defensive stance.

'Well, everyone here calls me Gemini.' they answered as they stepped into the light. The girl had midnight blue hair tied into two buns on top of her head, dark skin and as said before yellow cat eyes. Like everyone else I've seen in this dump she wore a lab coat, but with the unique addition of wearing dark purple gloves.

'So is that really your name?' I frowned 'Everyone here, from what I know of anyway go by a zodiac.'

'Nah, we have names. We just don't use them for the purpose of keeping our identities hidden.' Gemini shrugged.

'Why though?'

'Do you always ask so many questions?'

'Not usually. But when I've been kidnapped and thrown into an unfamiliar place...' I narrowed my eyes 'Yeah, you'd think I'd be a little curious.'

'Well it's annoying.' Gemini spat 'Anyway enough chit-chat, you're here for a reason.'

I tilted my head 'And what reason is that?'

An evil giggle escaped the girl's mouth as she reached into her pockets, pulling out two pokeballs and tossing them in the air. 'To get you to talk, of course~' She sang as soon as the light faded, revealing a Plusle and Minun with similar evil grins.

Now, I know this is a serious situation and I should be concerned for my well being. But the fact she has the Pokemon representing the zodiac she goes by cracked me up slightly.

'What? What's so funny?' Gemini crossed her arms, pouting at the fact I wasn't shaking in fear.

'I- I get it! You have a Plusle and Minun be-because your name's Gemini, right?!' I laughed, pointing at her and her Pokemon with my claw 'How original!'

Okay, I admit that probably wasn't the best way to react. But it's me, and I don't like showing fear to the enemy. And yes, I was scared. I was bloody terrified. But why would I show it? That could be what they wanted. Anyway, as I was finishing my little giggle fest, Gemini, Plusle and Minin were all squinting at me with sweatdrops on their foreheads. I sighed, wiping a few tears away before turning to them.

'So how are you gonna get me to talk, anyway? Nuzzle me to death?' I joked.

'That's part of it, yes.' Gemini smirked, holding up the same device those scumbags used to knock me out. That sh*t was painful 'a Nuzzle, combined with a zap from this baby should get you to talk real quick.'

I wasn't laughing anymore, and instead stared at the device in wearily. However, I wasn't gonna talk.

'Like Hell-'


I shrieked, struggling to keep my balance as a stinging sensation shot through my body. I squeezed my eyes shut and winced as soon as it stopped.

'This should be fun...' Gemini giggled.

(Sun POV)

'I cannot believe I could've been so blind! Thinking back on it there was clearly something off about him! I was f*cking played because I fell in love with a fake! Oh my god I kissed that fraud, how sh*tty is that?!'

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