After story: The news

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My closed eyelids scrunched up from the warm sun rays falling upon my face. I didn't know where I was exactly, nor did I know why the surface below me tickled my bare arms. What I did know, is that I had never felt so happy to wake up before.

But then, realisation struck.

Was yesterday a dream?

There was a possibility it was. It was true that I was currently curled around what I assumed was Gladion's torso; I could feel his heartbeat against my palms. However, it could be that I was waking up to a normal day. There was no date. There was no stressing about outfits. There was no 'treasure' hunt. There was no dancing in the moonlight.


There was no proposal.

My arms tightened around Gladion's waist, and I buried my face into his back at the thought of it all being a dream. I didn't want to open my eyes. I didn't want to find out whether I had been dreaming or not.

But then, just as my hands brushed against each other, I felt something rough on my ring finger.

My eyes shot open as I rolled onto my back, realising Gladion and I were laying in a patch of grass on top of a hill. The sound of waves was audible in the background, as well as Wingull cries as they flew above us.

Instantly I shot my left hand up and in front of my face, examining it for any signs of the engagement. Lo and behold, a gorgeous silver ring, with a single diamond was on my finger.

"It wasn't a dream..." I whispered "He actually proposed..."

"Yes, I did..."

I gasped softly at tired husky voice, as another hand came into my vision and took mine. I turned to Gladion to find him facing me, his sleepy emerald eyes meeting mine. He brought my hand to his lips, kissing it just underneath the ring. His thumb fiddled with the gem for a moment, before he tugged me towards him and pressed his forehead against mine.

"Morning, beautiful..."

I blushed as his morning breath tickled my face, before smiling and intertwining our fingers "Morning..."

"Sleep well?"

"Best sleep in forever... you?"

"Same with me." He chuckled softly and placed a small kiss onto my nose "Though, I was a little afraid to wake up."

"Same. I was afraid last night didn't happen..." my free hand came up to his face, and I brushed his hair away from his eyes "It's still a little unbelievable. We're engaged."

"I know."

"And... we're going to get married."

"I know."

"And- and--"


Gladion reached up and placed his free hand on the back of my head, before placing a gentle kiss on my lips.

"I know..." He whispered when pulling away, his hand sliding down to my lower back. My cheeks heated up slightly from his gentle gaze.

This boy. Gladion Aether. The same boy who saved me from his own mother. The same boy who gave me another shot at life. The same boy who still accepted me, even if I wasn't what he thought I was. The same boy who stuck by my side for six years...

That boy, was going to be my husband...



"I'm glad it was you..."

Gladion smiled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into him for a tight embrace.

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