Oneshot - Thief! Megan & Cop! Gladion - My lips are sealed

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So, imagine a universe where the Just Partners events didn't happen. Megan was never caught by Lusamine, and therefore never became Type:Null. This means she never met Gladion. And, imagine that as soon as their parents died (actually died this time), the Artemus children ran away in fear of them being sent to an orphanage. Imagine them living on the streets, having to steal to survive. Imagine that after the events of Pokemon Sun and Moon, Gladion wanted to protect Alola and became a police officer. Imagine what happens when they meet now.

Actually you don't have to imagine that part, because it's right here :)

Enjoy. Or, don't enjoy... Whatever floats your boat.

"All nearby units to Hau'oli city! There has been a robbery at the shopping district!"

Jackie and Gladion flinched at the urgent message that came from their walkie talkies. They exchanged glances before breaking into a run towards the said city. It didn't take long since they were just on the outskirts. The two officers set their sites on the shopping district, hoping to catch the robber before they even left the building.

That is until Gladion saw a dark figure move in an alleyway.

Jackie didn't notice him stop and therefore kept running, which Gladion allowed since there was a chance this was just a wild pokemon. He pressed his back against the wall and peeked around the corner, only to notice a hooded person crouched by one of the dumpsters. They seemed to be staring at something inside a black bag.

Gladion figured that was enough evidence.

"Freeze!" He ordered, jumping out from around the corner.

The person flinched and turned their head to him, staring for about two seconds before bolting down the alley. Gladion chased after them, surprised at how fast and agile they were as they swerved past bins and cardboard boxes. They purposefully knocked into one of the stacks, sending the boxes tumbling to block the officer's path.

"Shit." He hissed, still pushing his legs to go faster. He mustered up enough strength to jump over the obstacle, stumbling slightly when landing before breaking into a run again. The hooded figure glanced at him from over their shoulder before making a sharp turn, running down another alleyway. Gladion smirked. He knew this alley ended with a fence.

He began gaining on the thief, now able to hear their heavy breaths echo around the area. The fence soon came into view, but the person didn't stop running.

Once getting close enough Gladion reached out, grabbing the back of the person's hoodie in hopes to slow them down.

It didn't.

Quickly they stuffed the handle of their bag into their mouth before holding their arms out behind them, shaking off their hoodie and leaving it with the officer before leaping. They pushed themselves over the fence and landed on the other side, taking the bag out of their mouth before turning to Gladion.

He skidded to a halt, knowing he wasn't able to make the jump as he stared at the thief. His eyes widened when he finally saw their face.

Or... her face.

She smirked at him, her aqua blue eyes filled with mischief as she panted. Her long brownish blonde hair was slightly tangled from her hood, and fell over part of her face. She was pale, almost as pale as the officer, and had a few stray freckles dotting her now bare arms.

With a scoff she pulled down her eyelid and stuck out her tongue before turning and running away from him. He growled, staring down at her hoodie in his hands as if it mocked him. He looked around for a moment, hoping to find a way around the damn fence.

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