Chapter 33: Mutation process?

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'Pisces and Aries...'

The two men smirked, and the blonde slowly made his way to unlock the cell door to let the two of them in. 'How are my favourite siblings?' he asked in a mocking baby voice.

'What do you want?' Laura spat, glaring at the boys.

'Oh we won't be long.' Leven assured 'We just came to take little Megan to her first appointment.'

'Dude, I'm older than you!'

Four-eyes grinned at me 'I know, you just look do small and helpless over there.' He took a step forward.

'Back up, we're not letting you get your hands on her!' Luke barked, literally crushing me against his chest.

'You can't stop us.' Blondie cooed.

The boy's began moving closer, both had remotes of some kind in their hand. My older siblings began growling, the marks on their cheeks began glowing as if they were raged about something. Which they were.

However, almost quicker than I could process, both Luke and Laura began screaming in agony, letting go of me and falling to their knees. I screamed their names. 'What are you doing to them?!'

'Oh we just activated their disciplinary cuffs. Whenever they step out of line or try to transform, we simply press this red button to zap them.' Leven explained with a grin, holding up his remote. 'Of course you'll get one too once we finish the mutation process.'

'Mutation process?'

'Fusing your body with a Pokémon, of course.'

'But I-'

I stopped myself. They don't know about that, not yet at least... At least now I know why Laura hasn't chewed off everyone's faces yet.

Another scream came from my brother and sister.

'Are you gonna stand there dawdling, or are you gonna come with us.' Blondie asked impatiently 'The more you dawdle, the more these two are going to get hurt.'

I clenched my jaw 'Stop it...'

'What, this~?'





'I said, STOP!'

I lunged at the two boys, slashing my claws at them as they tried to dodge my attacks. Wait, claws? I looked down at myself.


Well, so much for hiding it till last minute.

'What the f*ck?!' Blondie shrieked after he had tripped over his own feet. Both he and Leven stared at me in shock.

'Leave. My family. Alone.' I growled, standing protectively in front of my temporarily paralyzed siblings.

'I thought the boss only mutated two of the kids!' Leven yelled 'How can she transform too?!'

I smirked, digging my claws into the concrete floor 'That information is classified, d*cktards.'

'Whatever we still gotta take her for testing!' Blondie stated, taking a collar of some kind from behind his lab coat.

'Touch me and you d-!' The collar was thrown at me causing it to activate itself and strap around my neck. I began clawing at it, yelling for them to take it off and screaming threats at them. They didn't seem fazed.

'Sorry, nothing personal.' Leven told me smugly, pressing a blue button that he had taken from his coat pocket.


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