After Story: That wasn't you

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(Gladion POV)

When I came to, I was hit with a massive headache. The surface beneath me was soft and warm, meaning I was probably in a bed of some kind. My eyes fluttered open and closed a few times, trying to adjust to the brightness of the room. When I opened them fully I was able to look around, noticing I was in a clean room with a bunch of cabinets and a few chairs along the sides, as well as a desk in the corner. I sat up with a groan, rubbing my temple as if to reduce my horrendous headache.

That is until my free hand brushed against what seemed to be skin.

I looked down to my left, only to let out a quiet gasp. Megan was sitting in one of the chairs next to my bed, her head resting on her crossed arms as she slept on the edge of the mattress. She had bruises across her arms, as well as some wrap around her wrist. Her head was turned slightly towards me, meaning I could see her tear stained cheek.

'She was crying? Why?' I mentally asked myself, reaching my hand out to move some hair out of her face.

"You know, she hasn't left this room since you got here."

My hand paused mid-air at the female's voice, and I turned my head to the door with my eyebrow raised. Rose was leaning against the doorframe with her arms crossed, while Sun was standing an inch away from the door. They were both frowning, as if they were disappointed in me or something.

"Where exactly is 'here'?" I tilted my head carefully, trying not to make my head throb any further.

"The hospital." Sun answered simply.

"You've been unconscious for three days now." Rose continued.

"I have...?"

"Yeah. Megan's been taking care of you, despite the doctors' complaints of her 'needing rest'," She gestured to the bed a few feet from mine "Eventually they gave up and let her cool down your fever."

Sounds like her...

My eyes travelled down to my fabric covered legs, and then to Megan "How'd she get those?" I asked, pointing to her injuries.

Sun scoffed loudly "Oh come on there's no way you don't remember." His voice was filled with venom.

I shook my head "I'm sorry, I don't remember anything from the past few days."

"Gladion," Sun spoke again, his voice taking a threatening tone "You did that to her."




"I'm sorry, I did what?!" I blurted, leaning forward in my bed to stare at the two in front of me in disbelief.

Rose placed a hand on Sun's arm, mouthing something to him before stepping forward. She gazed down at me solemnly, yet with a tad of caution "Gladion... Three days ago you were possessed by an Ultra Beast, and almost brought Alola into an era of chaos. Megan, Sun, Lillie and Hau were able to bring you back-- well, mainly Megan, but not before you attempted to take her as a hostage to get what you wanted..." She gestured to the sleeping girls injuries.

My head snapped towards Megan again, examining her stained face again with more desperacy. There's no way I would've hurt her- I couldn't have!

A memory suddenly popped up in my head, which caused my eyes to widen in horror. I remembered spitting such distasteful things to everyone. I remembered telling them my plan to start an 'Ultra revolution'. I remembered telling Megan I didn't love her, and that I was a fool for doing so. I... I remembered attempting to suffocate her with my tentacles, saying that if I didn't get what I wanted, I might squeeze her to death...

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