Chapter 14: Spread the word~

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(One day later)

(Lillie POV)

'Are you sure it'll be alright with everyone if I stay over?' Hau asked as soon as we stopped in front of the front door. I huffed.

'Yes. I'm sure. Wicke likes it when I have friends over, Mother loves you, Ashe never minds people staying over, Matt and Liz mind their own business, Emilee is too young to protest and Megan literally doesn't care.' I stated, placing my key into the keyhole.

'Well what about your brother?'

'Oh, um... you see that's the only thing I'm worried about...' I giggled sheepishly as I opened the door 'Gladion... might kill you if he finds you in my room.'

Hau visibly shuddered.

'Don't worry though, I have a plan.' I assured.

'Anything to keep my head!'

'Well we can grab my bed covers, along with the mattress, and crash in the living room. That way I can sleep on the mattress and and you can sleep on the couch, so it's not weird.' I explained with a grin, while dragging the boy upstairs by his wrist 'We'll just ask Meg and my brother for some extra blankets. You have pjs, right?'


'Ugh. Correction: We'll ask Meg and my brother for some extra blankets, and steal some of Matthew's pjs.'

Hau raised an eyebrow 'Why can't we steal Gladion's? I mean we're already asking him for sleeping stuff.'

'Because Gladion will know about it, and I'm pretty sure you want to keep your teeth.' I stated monotone, causing Hau to shudder again. 'Besides, Gladion's attire is way too edgy for a cute cinnamon roll like you~'

I turned my head to look at him from over my shoulder, and I almost squealed. Hau was looking to the side with his lips pursed together and his cheeks burning a light shade of red. He's friggin adorable!!!

'You okay there? Don't die yet, we haven't had our sleepover.' I giggled.

That's it. He was dead. 'Pshhh- I- uh...'


'Haha, okay I'm done teasing now.' I grinned, giving his hand a gentle squeeze before continuing to walk. Soon we found ourselves in front of my brother's room, which had the door closed for some reason. 'Huh... maybe they're both sleeping?' I muttered.

'Try knocking?' Hau suggested.

'Nah, that's against the rules of being a younger sibling.' I replied with a mischievous grin, before turning the doorknob and pushing open the door. 'Hey guys I--' I immediately froze at the sight. For a split second I saw Megan and Gladion hardcore making out. Meg had her arms around brother's neck and her legs wrapped securely around his torso, while Gladion's arms snaked around her waist. He kicked their bathroom door open, before closing it behind him with his foot. Bet'cha I know what they're gonna do in there~

I slowly closed the door, keeping my hand on the knob and staring at it for about ten seconds before staring over at Hau. He stared back.

'You saw that too, right?'

He nodded.

We both shivered before continuing down the hall, up until we made our way to Matt and Ashley's room. 'Okay change of plan, we'll borrow everything off these two. I'm sure they won't mind.' I said.

Hau eyed me suspiciously 'Are you gonna barge in again? 'Cause we both saw what happened the last time you did that.'

'Hahahaha-- no. I'm actually gonna knock this time.'

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