Finale: The Beginning

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(Sorry, just love this OP)

(3rd POV)

The room was silent, no one daring to speak as soon as those words left Megan's mouth. No one was sure if they heard her correctly or not, nor did they no what to feel about it. However the ice had to break eventually, and Lillie was going to be the one to do it.

"You're leaving...?" She asked them, voice barely above a whisper as she gripped the fabric of her shirt. Her brother turned to her with a sad expression, giving her a silent nod. She took a shaky breath "Why...?"

The couple exchanged glances. They were visibly nervous about giving their reasons. What if their friends thought they were abandoning them. Taking a deep breath Gladion turned to the group again, squeezing his fiance's hand and clearing his throat.

"We... Figured it would be best for us to leave for a while, for us to travel and unwind. Alola, even though it's our home, is also the home to a lot of bad memories to us." He bowed his head "It may sound selfish, but I don't want to be in a place that has caused Megan and I so much misery. Don't get me wrong, we'll miss you guys more than anything, and leaving you is the absolute last thing we want to do. But..."

"But we feel it's time to take a break..." Megan added, her tone soft.

Luke and Laura stared directly at their little sister, watching as her expression saddened further during hers and Gladion's explanation. It was clear she was feeling guilty, because she thought this was extremely selfish for them to just leave. Yeah, it was a little sudden. But it was understandable why they felt that way. Gladion and Megan had been through way more shit than anyone else in the room.

Honestly, this would be good for them.

And to be honest, the Artemus siblings weren't the only ones who felt that way.

"We understand." Lusamine nodded with a sad smile, stepping towards the couple "You need this, don't you?"

They slowly nodded, surprised the woman was so okay with this.

"Then who are we to stop you?" Ashley told them with a shrug, Emilee seeming to agree by the way she clapped her tiny little hands.

"I agree," Guzma stepped forward "You kids have been strong for far too long, I think it's about time you took a breather."

"Yeah!" Rose jumped up slightly "You don't need to look so sad, we don't blame you for wanting to leave for a bit."

"I mean..." Hau rubbed the back of his neck "It's not like you're going to forget about us, right?"

Megan shook her head instantly "Of course not! We love you guys, and would never forget any of you!"

"In that case, Megan, Gladion," Sun stepped through the crowd and placed a hand on each of their shoulders "As champion and as your friend, on behalf of everyone here I give you my blessing."

Everyone nodded behind him, a few giving thumbs up to the couple as they were hugged by the champion. They hugged back, unable to hold back their huge smiles. One by one their friends and family joined the hug, with Lillie pressing her face into Gladion's back, and Luke and Laura crushing Megan into a sibling sandwich while the others had to make do with squishing up to each other. It was tight, and it was sweaty. But Megan and Gladion didn't care.

Because this was exactly where they wanted to be before they left; amongst the people they loved.

There's no place they'd rather be.

(A week later)

Megan zipped shut her backpack after checking she had everything she needed for her journey. She and Gladion had decided to make this trip an actual Pokemon journey, meaning they were only going to take one Pokemon each with them. Prince and Silvally. It was a tough decision, but the choice felt right as those two were their very first Pokemon. Megan blew a strand of hair from her face and glanced to the clock, only to realise it was broken. Eyes widening, she called to her fiance.

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