Highschool AU - Christmas special

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Who remembers my highschool AU special in JP? This special takes place that Christmas. Also it's kinda long, so yeah.


(Megan POV)

'And with that class, merry Christmas and a happy new year.'


The class grabbed their bags and coats, rushing out of the classroom eagerly to get to their friends and wish them a merry Christmas. I however didn't rush, and instead put everything away at a normal speed.


'Huh?' I turned around, only to find Professor Burnet, my Science teacher standing there with her arms crossed.

'Is everything alright? Usually you're the first to leave the classroom.' She asked, tilting her head.

I blushed slightly, looking away from her 'Y-yeah, I just don't feel like rushing today.'

'At Christmas?'


Professor Burnet frowned, but soon shrugged it off and went back to her desk. 'Well alright then. Merry Christmas Miss. Artemus.'

'Yeah...' I slung my backpack over my shoulder and made my way out the door 'You too, Ma'am...'

I walked down the hallway full of buzzing students, who were chatting about the holidays and anything else to do with this time of year. They all looked so happy. I wonder what it feels like to have the-



I stumbled forward after feeling two forces colliding into my back, only just managing to catch myself and stay on my feet. I puffed my cheeks, turning around and yelling at my two childish friends 'PEANUT, SUNSHINE, WHAT THE HELL?!'

Hau and Rose grinned at me, closing one eye and sticking out their tongues to make that stupid innocent face.

'We saw you looked upset, so we decided to change it~' Rose sang, bouncing off her feet slightly.

'Well congratulations,' I clapped sarcastically 'I've graduated from upset to downright p*ssed off!'

The two rubbed the back of their heads, smiling sheepishly and muttering a quick apology.

'Come on, Meg, you know they're just gonna miss you during the holidays.' Another voice came from behind them, and soon my other friends, Sun, Lillie and Gladion came into view.

I secretly blushed from the appearance of a certain french fry hair.

'Well yeah of course I know that!' I scoffed, crossing my arms a popping out a hip 'I just hate being surprised!'

'Oh trust me, we know.' Sun rolled his eyes playfully 'Anyway, Megan, we all have something for you.'

'Oooh, another surprise? Goodie!' I say with fake excitement.

'It was Gladion's idea, and we helped get it...' Lillie told me as she rummaged through her pink backpack, her eyes glimmering as soon as she found it 'So.... Merry Christmas!'

She held out a gift wrapped up in in sparkly red wrapping paper. I gasped.

'Hide it!' I whisper yelled, looking left and right.


'Put it away before they see it!'

Lillie was confused but obeyed anyway, hiding the present behind her bag. I looked around once again, before sighing in relief and focusing on my friends again.

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