After Story: Corrupted pt. 3

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"NO!" Lillie screamed, and she and Megan lunged towards the boy as the menacing purple light faded from around him. He looked almost exactly identical to Mother Beast Lusamine. Midnight blue hair, murderous saffron eyes... Psychopath grin. His upper body was encased inside the beasts head, just like his mother, and eight large black tentacles dangled below him. He hovered above the ground, still laughing maniacally as he watched his 'sister' and 'girlfriend' run towards him.

"Lillie stop!" Hau yelled, pulling the girl back into him. Sun did the same with Megan "It's no use, he's possessed! The only way to bring him back is if we fight him!"

"HA! Good luck with that!" Gladion mocked. He lifted his tentacles, ready for battle "After all, I'm way stronger than my mother!"

Megan let out a cry which was filled with both anger and sadness, but she proceeded to pull out two Pokeballs "So be it! Edge, Silvally, time to assist!"

The two Pokemon appeared in front of the beast, their faces filled with a mixture of emotions. Gladion stared down at them, scoffing with an eyebrow raised.

"So you brought the Beast Killers have you? Smart girl. That won't do shit, though. I know everything about these two; how they move, how they think, how they fight... I gotta say, all of you have a major disadvantage against me."

"Guess we'll have to wing it, then!" Sun yelled "Setsuko, Ice Shard!"

"Silvally, Multi Attack!" Megan commanded, throwing a Fire type disk towards her boyfriend's Pokemon.

The two creatures sent the attacks towards Gladion, which collided with each other and reduced to water before drenching one of the beast's tentacles. Gladion pulled it back, hissing in pain and anger.

"Now!" Lillie yelled. Both she and Hau had been waiting for an opening, and as soon as there was one they shot Gladion with their vinegar guns. The beast frilled about, clearly annoyed.

"You little shits!" Gladion snarled.

"Prince use Flash!" Megan commanded, ignoring the pain she was feeling from injuring Gladion "Blind him!"

"Not so fast!" Gladion yelled, enraged. With a swipe of a tentacle he smashed all of their Pokemon into a wall, stunning them for a moment. While the four trainers stared at their partners in shock, he took the opportunity to strike again.

Megan screamed, feeling a tentacle coil around and violently tighten around her before pulling her away from the ground. She faintly heard her friends screaming her name, before she came face to face with her apprehender. Gladion grinned darkly, his murderous eyes scanning her shaking body as he held her in his violent grasp.

"Still think they were just dreams, babe?" He spat, one of his tentacles roughly lifting her chin so she would look at him. She had been avoiding his gaze until now; she didn't want to see him in such a state. But now, with the pressure under her jaw she couldn't look anywhere but him. It made her clench her teeth, holding back any more cries.

"Put her down!" Sun ordered. He, Hau and Lillie were pointing their vinegar guns at him with angry expressions. Gladion sighed, moving the tentacle holding Megan beside him so he could see them clearly.

"You know, I don't think I will," He grinned evilly as one of his tentacles reached up to ruffle her hair. It was much harsher and colder than usual, making her wince. "I believe I have the right to embrace my girlfriend, don't I?"

"That's different," Lillie shrieked "You're hurting her!"

He shrugged "Don't care."

Sun reached for the trigger "You have three seconds to put her down."

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