Chapter 47: No more secrets

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Okay, so this chapter will be taking place in Gladion's memories. Most of it will be told in third person,but there will be a bit in the end where it is Gladion's POV. Got it?

I'm just gonna assume you said yes, because I'm going to start the chapter now. ROLE TAPE!


"Officer Jenny!"

Jenny jumped slightly at her name being called so urgently, and she whipped her head round to meet the same two boys she had talked to about the runaway scientist. They both had gone pale, their pupils shrunken as if a ghost Pokemon had appeared right in front of their faces. Her eyebrows furrowed in concern.

"Are you two okay?"

"No," Avory shook his head, his expression getting more worried each second "Please tell me, is all the equipment in the labs still there?"

"Uhh, we haven't started investigating them yet, so I assume so." Jenny raised an eyebrow "Why do you ask?"

"You have to let us use it!" Ein blurted "It's an emergency!"

The officer shook her head "I'm sorry but I can't let anyone in there that aren't detectives or officers"

"We understand that, but..." The two boys stepped aside, revealing Gladion carrying a girl in his arms. Her eyes were squeezed shut, her hands clutching the fabric of her jumpsuit over her chest, and she had beads of sweat rolling down her face. Her breath was heavier than it should've been, too.

"If we don't get her the help she needs, she'll die." Avory's eyes fell to the floor "Please... I can't let anyone else lose their life to Operation Perfection..."

Jenny studied him, eyes softening as he began shaking slightly. Ein was in the same situation, jaw clenched, arms crossed tightly, a shadow casting over his eyes. She sighed.

"You'll come right out immediately, regardless the result, understand?"

"Of course, ma'am." Ein nodded eagerly.

"Then... Alright. I'll tell the investigators to hold off going in there until you're done."

The boys' heads snapped up. They nodded quickly as if to say thank you, before telling Gladion to follow them and running past the woman. Jenny watched them disappear into the cave, before looking over to the rest of their friends. They were all crying, but made no move to try and follow their dying friend.

It's like they couldn't bear to see Megan Artemus die...


Gladion reluctantly let Avory take Megan from his clutches, watching as he gently placed her into a tube and began attaching wires to her. In the meantime Ein was typing away at a computer, shoulders tense as if he knew one single mistake could cause the girl to lose her life instantly.

"What are you going to do to her?" Gladion asked, eyes fixed on his girlfriend.

"The gem inside her is malfunctioning, and the Silvally inside it seems to be dying from energy loss." Ein spoke up, not taking his eyes off the computer "We have to remove it from her, or we'll lose both of them."

"But she could die if you do that!"

"Well she's gonna die anyway if she carries on like this!" Avory snapped, glaring over at Gladion with an expression of both anger and sadness "This is her only chance of survival!"

"Avory," Ein called from his chair "You gotta calm down. He has the right to be skeptical, his freaking girlfriend's in there."

Avory grunted, but his eyes softened as he looked back at Gladion "I'm sorry... I just don't want her to die like my mother did..."

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