Chapter 29: Why is this happening to us?

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I blinked at the blue haired boy, lips slightly parted as he proceeded to get closer. My eyebrows knitted together as I let out a sarcastic laugh.


'Yes I applaud you for picking up on my odd behaviour.' Leven rolled his eyes 'However that's all useless now that we have you, as you won't be getting out anytime soon.'

I scoffed 'What's that supposed to mean?'

Leven pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, smirking evilly as he began walking slowly around my chair 'You see, me and Capricorn here work for a very powerful man. One who would do literally anything to get his hands on The Artemus children. And now that he has you, he does not intend to let you out of his grasp.' He stopped next to me, leaning in and twirling a strand of my hair around his finger 'Word of advice; don't go against his wishes. We still have your two friends in our custody and would hate to bring any harm to them.'

I grimaced at his touch, but due to my restraints I was unable to pull away. Wait... my two friends?


Arceus that's right! Matthew and Lizzy!

'Let them go, you four-eyed b*stard.' I spoke in a low voice, clenching my jaw as I heard him chuckle.

'Sorry, pal, we still need them for our plans.'

'We are not pals.' I growled 'And what do you mean by 'plans'?'

'That information's classified.' Capricorn stepped in, placing a hand on Leven's shoulder to tell him to stop playing with my hair. Damn right! Get your grimy hands off my precious side bang!

'In any case. You belong to us now, so no funny business.' The green haired male told me, wagging his finger as if he was scolding a child. How dare he!

'So no funny business.' I mimicked, scrunching my nose up.

Capricorn stared at me, obviously surprised I had the nerve to tease him. He turned to Leven, eyebrow raised 'I expected the vice-president of the Aether Foundation to be more mature about all this, yet this... girl is acting like a child.'

'I recall telling everyone she is incredibly childish.' Leven responded, looking rather irritated from where I was standing- well, sitting. 'If anything, she's going to be the hardest to control.'

'Perfect...' Capricorn groaned.

'Control?! Excuse me, but I am an independant woman and refuse to be controlled by a bunch of mad scientists! I am not a tool!' I snapped, pulling at the rope that kept my hands and waist against the back of the chair.

Leven crossed his arms, sighing in frustration. I bet this is due to most of the prisoners he dealt with were less resistant. Welp, I'm not the-

The boy suddenly grinned sadistically, causing a single shiver to shoot up my spine. He took a step forward, grabbing my chin and forcing it up.

'I'd cut the big talk if I were you.' He whispered into my ear 'Our orders were we can't harm you to the point of death, but...' He placed a cold hand on my stomach, his grin widening as he felt the being inside move around 'There was no orders saying we couldn't end this little one...'

I froze, my eyes going wide as soon as those words left his mouth. My mouth felt dry as I spoke 'Y-You wouldn't...'

He ran his thumb up and down my stomach, seeming to enjoy my discomfort as he smirked in a rather seductive way. As if he wasn't being creepy enough already! 'We'll see about that. But then again, it all depends on you and how you choose to play your cards.'

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