Chapter 36: Busted

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I stared at the woman for what seemed like hours, her staring back with an equally shocked expression. Her black hair had been cut shorter, and she was certainly skinnier and frailer, probably from the lack of food from this place. Yet, I was sure it was her. Her eyes still sparkled with love and hope, and despite her cheekbones being visible her face still remained beautiful and kind.

Finally she snapped out of her daze, reaching out to us with her arms open.

I gasped, lunging forward and embracing her with tearful eyes. She hugged back without hesitation, letting out a shaky breath as we held onto each other tightly.

'It really is you... mom... you're alive...'

She nodded into my hair, her teardrops falling onto my shoulder as she slowly rubbed my back with her hand. I felt her reach behind me, holding a hand out to my brother and sister as they had been frozen the entire time. The next thing I knew, I was enveloped in the familiar warmth of my childhood.

'I missed this...' Laura sniffled 'I missed you, mom...'

Mom placed a gentle motherly kiss on her forehead, running her bony fingers through her hair as she smiled ever so slightly.

'H-How are you alive?' Luke stuttered. He held onto me and mom tightly.

Mom opened her mouth, only to close it again and give us a sad look.

'I should probably let you know,' Capricorn began from behind us, causing us to stare at him with slightly confused expressions 'That she is a mute.'


I turned back to my mother to ask if this was true, but her expression said it all. Her head was bowed, her eyebrows furrowed and her lips pursed as she wrapped her hand around her neck. She shivered slightly, probably from the memory of how it happened.

'He did it, didn't he?'

Luke's voice was low, resembling a growl as he grit his teeth. His face only tightened further once he received a nod of approval from the woman in question.

I had to ask 'Who's 'he'?'

'The monster running this place.' Laura snarled. 'He's the reason we're here, rotting in a smelly cell because of the power's 'given' to us.'

'He sounds like a pri-.'

Mom slapped my arm, preventing me from finishing that curse word. I cleared my throat.

'Sorry. He sounds awful.'

'Oh he is.'

I suddenly felt a hand on my cheek, it's fingers running across the tender skin of my scar. Mom gazed at it as if to ask what happened.

I sighed, taking her hand and lowering it from my face 'It's a long story, mom. One that I don't think you're ready to hear about.'

She pouted, causing me to chuckle slightly.

'Sorry. But know that I was a big girl about it~'

Luke snorted slightly, making me jab my elbow into his side. 'Shut it, Matthew.'

'Okay, jeez, sorry.'

(Third POV)

'Hey, Sunny boy. What did you need me for?'

Sun smiled at the blue haired boy in front of him, gripping the handle behind the door to suppress his rising anger he had inside him.

'I just wanted to spend time with you,' he lied 'After... you know.'

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