Chapter 17: What if you're...

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(Megan POV)

I walked downstairs in silence with a glum expression plastered on my face. Gladion stayed next to me and hadn't spoken a word since I jolted awake this morning. He seemed equally miserable. Neither of us really slept last night. I kept waking up screaming from nightmares of my time as Lusamine's 'slave', while Gladion stayed awake because he was too worried about me to even close his eyes.

I opened the door to the dining room, only to find Lillie, Hau, Ashley and Emilee already sitting at the table. Hau had been staying over a lot these past few weeks due to Lillie losing sleep from worrying. It showed too, as dark circles were starting to become noticeable under both their eyes. Hau even had his hair down, which fell over and almost covered his entire face. Ashe sat in silence as she spoon fed Emi, who sat quieter than ever on her mother's lap. She obviously hadn't been sleeping, as the bags under her eyes were so much more noticeable. And her hair was greasy and stuck out in different directions, which told me she hadn't showered in awhile. One thing was for certain. All of us were complete wrecks.

'Morning...' I muttered in a monotonous voice, sitting down in the spare seat next to Hau. Gladion sat across from me.

'Morning.' Hau replied, no longer sounding like his bright and cheerful self.

'Did you guys sleep well?' Lillie asked, her tone barely above a whisper as she stared at her plate of pancakes.

'We didn't sleep at all.' Gladion replied bluntly.

'Why not?' Ashe chimed in as she stared at him with no emotion.

'Megan had another episode which kept both of us awake...' Gladion added, his voice sounded unintentionally accusing.

'I see.' Lillie sighed with a frown.

'It's not like we can say much different.' Hau scoffed 'We didn't really sleep either.'

'I'm sorry to hear that.' I murmured while poking my plate of pancakes with my fork.

The rest of the time we were silent. But I didn't mind, because I had nothing to say to them anyway. That is, until I felt the same sickness in my stomach as I did last night. I gagged, dropping my fork onto my plate as I covered my mouth. This got everyone's attention, and they stared at me with a tad of curiosity.

'Excuse me.' I managed to choke out as I pushed myself away from the table and stumbled out, hoping to come across a trash can or, better, an actual bathroom. I felt everyone's stare at me as l left. But I didn't care.

(Lillie POV)

'What's up with her?' Hau asked, sounding genuinely confused.

'She's been having nasty throwing up sessions, so my guess it's happening again.' Gladion replied as he stared at the now open door, seeming to be debating on whether to follow the girl or not. He then turned to me, eyes glinting with the slightest of concern. 'Can you follow her, Lillie? You might know what's up with her.'

I hesitated for a moment, before nodding and rising from the table. I speed walked out of the room and looked around to find my friend, only to hear faint gagging coming from the kitchen 'there she is...' I thought. I pushed open the cracked door, my eyes landing on Megan's crouched figure as she spilled her guts into the trash can.

'Hi, Meg.' I breathed with concern.

'Hi. Come to join the' -She coughed- 'Vomit party?'

'Do you... always sound so sarcastic whenever you're spilling your guts?' I raised an eyebrow.

Another Burst of sick left her mouth 'Can you blame me for wanting to lighten the mood? I'm dying over here!'

I scrunched up my nose. Poor girl. I made my way over to her and began soothingly rubbing her back. This lasted for two minutes before she finished, and hung her head back with a groan.

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