Definitely special, you cannot disagree on that one

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I don't often get called to the principal's office, ok that's a lie, I often get called to THAT office, but I'm always innocent, alright alright... that's another lie, usually I am guilty for whatever reason I get called for. So as I left Professor Frost's calculus classroom and made my way to 'Bernaddette Renninson, Prentice High School for Girls Principal's Office', I ran through my head all of the 'whys' I might be doing detention time today. I laughed and shook my head from one side to the other, there were many.

"Mariella, please take a seat, the principal will see you in a few moments" Vania the assistant to the principal said offering a smile. She was used to having me here, though not always alone.

"Thanks" I smiled and took a seat on one of the closest chairs to the teacher's room which was almost empty except for Miss Vinnicombe and Professor Hawthorne aka Hottie and proceeded to see their interaction. Everyone in the school knew Miss Vinnicombe had a thing for him, he is a mysterious specimen, then again, he is a teacher and to be honest way too older for any teenage like us. So seeing her trying with all her might to get his attention, and him answering with grunts I could not stop the laugher that escaped my mouth, she actually looked like one teenage girl trying to catch a grownup.

"She'll see you now" I heard Vania say and at the same time Hawthorne looked up from the book in his hands and looked at me, being embarrassed to being caught looking I stood up as quickly as I could and walked towards the door that Vania was opening for me.

I could describe the principal's office in great detail, like for example saying that the chairs looked about 50 years old and had crochet patterns, but instead I am going to delight you with Renninson's reaction to me. Three words: She.Hates.Me. Ok maybe hate is not the correct word, maybe... loath? Yes, she Loathes me, I am probably her least favourite student and I am positive that once this semester ends, she'll be the happiest woman alive. I'll finally be out of her school. As I approached one of the ugly chairs I knew she had practiced the expression on her face far more times that I have ever set foot...

"Hello Mariella" she interrupted my train of thoughts as she looked up from the paper she was pretending to read, I knew she was not reading it because her eyes were trained on me from the moment I stepped inside her office.

"Hello" She started scanning me from head to toes, knowing full well I had it all wrong for her school standards. A couple of fake electric blue streaks in my hair, black nail polish, my school skirt was shorter than it was supposed to be... I really don't like following rules. She started shuffling the papers she had in her desk until she found the one she was looking for "have a seat, so today I had an interesting visit" she fell quiet for a few seconds

"Ok" I didn't know what to reply to her silence.

"A university called MPT, ever heard of it?" she turned her eyes to me, and as every time she's done that I got chills down my spine, those black eyes, framed by black rimmed glasses that were there just to try and cover the wrinkles around her eyes. I just shook my head from one side to the other.

"Never heard of it" I shrugged

"Well a man representing the university came here today and asked to see all of your records" I guess she could see the surprise in my face "My reaction exactly Mariella, I was ashamed to bring them out, I wished that had asked for any other student, I even insisted on showing them the records of other students, but they wanted you"

"I must be special then" I smirked

"You do not get it Mariella" she sighed as I bristled from being called by my full name "You are most certainly NOT special, even if your grades are full A's, your file is bigger than any other, full of detention slips and reports"

"Definitely special, you cannot disagree on that one" I nodded my head convinced that she was wrong and I was right. But she banged her hands against the desk in an attempt to intimidate me.

"You are an impossible young lady, with this attitude no university will ever have you!" she whisper yelled

"If I am correct, even with the attitude this MPT place wants me" I was not afraid of her, she could try to expel me, but she knew better, she could never prove I was the one who did all of the things I was accused for, so she would only give me detention every time.

"It is useless to try and make you see reason, anyway it was good to see you, here" she handed me a yellow slip "detention for missuse of the uniform, you may leave" I grabbed the slip and stood up.

"Thank you miss, have a good day" I turned to leave with a smile on my face, today was detention with Hawthorne.

~~ Part 1 up! Hope you enjoyed! (hit the star if you did!)

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