That does not sound promising

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The sound of a call woke me up, I moved my arm looking for my phone and I picked up.

"Ella? Where are you?"

"In bed, you?"

"Damn it Ella, it is seven thirty am! You were supposed to pick me up for school!" Shit Red, I opened my eyes fully and saw I was still wearing the silver dress and I was in the hotel room, so last night was not a dream "You know what, forget it see you there" she hung up.

Ok, so I have to hurry, I still need to go to my place and pick up clothes for school, I was not going to make it on time. As I started grabbing my stuff I saw my school backpack and a small duffle bag, I opened it and found my uniform, whaaaaa?

On the way to school I managed to put the uniform skirt, shirt and sweater on top of the dress, called Vic for coffee, concealer over the dark bags under my eyes and crossed the school gates at 7:57 am. Made it!

I ran to my classroom and saw Vic with a very large thermos in hand.

"Thanks!" I managed to mumble

"You my dear look like hell" she raised her eyebrows

"Where were you? We called you like a thousand times yesterday" she asked as we took the back seats

"Alexis" was the only thing I could think of

"Wasn't he leaving on Saturday?"

"Missed his flight and stayed one more night"

"But why didn't you answer? I needed the answers of the chemistry hw, I had to call Gail and she made me do the exercises with her" she sounded annoyed

"I left my phone in vibrate" I shrugged as I drank the heavenly coffee. We were cut off by Clarisse, the group manager and the day began. By third period I was fighting my eyes to stay open.

"She looks really bad"

"We should take her to the infirmary, did she drink coffee today?"

"I brought her a thermos, you know? Expresso"

"They why is she like this? Coffee is the only thing that..."

"You know she can drink coffee and be asleep in five minutes, she can handle it"

"I want to go home" I managed to say in between what the girls were saying

"Ella? What's happening?"

"Dunno... I'm tired" I felt like hung over, and I didn't even drink that much wine yesterday, wait... what was in the glass of supposedly water they handed me at the end?

"Girls what is going on?" Oh great James is here, note the sarcasm

"Oh professor Ella is acting really weird today"

"What seems to be the problem?" I felt hands taking in my face and when I opened my eyes he was looking worried. 'What the hell did you do to me?? huh?'

"Well she was late today and she's been like this since she arrived" I heard a knock and someone mumbled ow.

"Don't act coy James... sorry Professor" someone laughed

"She's my ride home" Red said annoyed "Guess I'll have to take the bus again"

"Why don't we take her car leave her at her place and then I'll drive you to yours?"

"Sorry professor but is that even legal?" Ha she's worried, well she should be... HE READS MINDS!!!

"Let me take her to Renninson, I'll have someone pick her up"

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now