Don't take this the wrong way...

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"Ella you there?" There was some knocking on my door, I opened my eyes and found myself on the same position I had been when James left. I stood and opened the door.

"Hey Logan" I smiled, he was standing there, looking all nice "What are you doing here"

"Um, well I guess you are allowed to know now" he shuffled on his feet "As you know I am also a part of MPT and... honestly? I was wondering if you were ok"

"I figured as much" I laughed "and I'm fine thanks, just a little headache"

"Welcome to MPT" he said sarcastically "So what happened to you?" I motioned for him to come inside

"Well I was called and was explained everything" I sighed "I was also given dessert and something that made me sleepy"

"They give it to everyone on their explaining session, I can see you made it to school" he laughed "I wasn't so lucky"

"Yeah well I had to be sent home, I think they might have overdone it"

"Probably, so I have a confession to make" I turned to look at him "That time when you introduced me to your brother... it wasn't the first time we've met"

"I should have figured that, for how long have you known him?"

"He was my mentor" he scratched the back of his neck

"Interesting" I looked at the time "So how would you feel about seeing your brother in about 3 minutes?"

"Not something I'm looking forward to, why?"

"Well, he is apparently my mentor" I rolled my eyes


"He is also the PE teacher at my school, and Aleck said you weren't on speaking terms and he brought me home today, and he went to buy food because I'm starving and he wouldn't leave me alone" there.


"I guess, so let me get this straight, James can read minds, Alexis plays with emotions, I can play with time and you...?"

"Kind of hard to explain, I can sense people's location any time any place"

"That's so cool!"

"It's cooler to read someone's mind..." he said defeatedly

"Not really, I think that's overrated don't you?" I tried to lighten the mood, and I got a smile in return

"So, 2 minutes until he drives, what are you going to do?"

"Don't take this the wrong way..."

"I won't, I'll have to know that story one of these days alright?" I went to the door "See you soon?"

"You bet" He waived as the elevator doors closed.I left the door opened for James and I went back inside to change

"Ella? Ella?" I popped my head from my bedroom and saw James with a gun in his hands, the bag with what I guess had the food was left on the floor

"Yes?" he turned to me and I raised my hands in surrender

"Damn it Ella! Why did you leave the door open?" he put the gun away

"Why were you pointing at me with a gun?"

"Because the door was open! I though maybe someone had broke in"

"I left the door open... I wanted to change and I knew you were about to get here, honestly, I was not going to open the door half dressed!"

"Don't do it again" he said sternly as he retrieved the food

"Yes father"

"Don't play coy with me"

"No father"

"Stop it!" I smirked "you are enjoying this"

"What gave me away?" I grabbed the panini he handed me and sat down, he did the same "wait, what are you doing?"

"Eating?" he replied with his mouth half full

"Why are you eating here?"


"Don't you have like a date to go or a mission to complete?"

"I'll eat and then I'll go, how about that?"


"What?" he looked at me curiously

"Nothing really, I just don't understand something" I finished chewing "are all mentors like this?"

"Like what?"

"Mean it like I said it, having lunch, taking them to their houses...?" He stopped chewing for a moment, cleaned his mouth as he swallowed and took a sip of water

"No not really" he shrugged

"That why are you doing it?"

"Because you are Alexis sister and your father's daughter"

"So I get special treatment because of my family?"

"Your family has saved my life more times than I can remember, I feel in debt. When I got assigned to be your mentor I was honoured, after all if you turn up with their skills you might become one of the best agents MT has ever had"

"I'm not sure I get it though"

"You don't need to, look I'll back off if you want to, but I'm always going to be looking over your back, why else would I have taken the job at your school"

"In risking of sounding repetitive, to boost your ego?"

"As if!" he laughed and I did too, a little "At least it pays well"

"So you'll back off?"


"Thanks, that means a lot" I breathed relieved "Imagine the gossip at school if you suddenly started paying attention to me..." I shuddered "no, not happening"

"I agree" he threw his trash away and stood up "So, no more reading your mind unless it is an emergency, and not acting like a protective brother"

"I already have one of those so..." he walked towards the door

"Alright so I'll see you around"

"Yep" I smiled and he left, as the door was closing my phone started ringing.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now