Let's hope someone gives me a sock

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For two weeks the routine didn't change, my friends were a little weirded out that I was practically under house arrest, that I was not living at my place and that I now had body guards (which sometimes included my now boyfriend and his best friend), it was hard to explain to them the reality of my situation, between knowing I would be a spy and the fact that it was the family business I could not explain to them anything. I was allowed to invite Vic one Saturday, the logistics were a pain, but after explaining how it would work, she agreed. A car was going to pick her up . It was important that neither Aleck, Logan or James hung around the place during her visit, we debated for hours if Alexis should leave or hide or something, in the end I was left with only Andreas and a couple of other guys that were MPT agents posing as bodyguards. I was sad to see that I hadn't met any girl or woman agent to this day...

The guys taught me how to use the crazy tv system they had so I wouldn't click incorrectly and open the security room behind the tv wall, they got Netflix only for us, and if we wanted to order food, I would have to call a special number and someone from the agency would bring us the order. I was not sure if I felt like a prisoner or actually safe, I barely understood the danger I apparently faced. And if what Aleck said was true and Blake was behind this, wouldn't maybe Red or her family be involved as well? I was afraid to ask questions these days, I either got half answers or brutal truths. There was no one I could openly talk about it, Alexis was always evading the topic, Aleck would make jokes about it and Logan, well his answer was always the same, 'can't tell you, it's for your safety'. So, instead of giving it much thought I immersed myself in textbooks, better give Renninson a slap with a white glove. My favourite room in the house was the gym, I could spend hours there kicking a sac listening to music, forgetting about my real life.

Andreas taught me how to hit correctly after seeing me punching the sac in the gym, letting all of my frustrations out but I was staring to get bruises for punching without a purpose, his words, that afternoon I spent it getting my ass kicked by him. I enjoyed it, but the glorious moment was when Alexis stopped by and asked what the hell I was doing and what was going on there; I used one of the leg kicks Andreas taught me, using my strength to make my opponent fall. Guess what? It works. Alexis spent the rest of the evening with an ice pack on his face.

When Vic arrived she was confused but excited and wanted to explore the house, which I had to subtly evade, you can guess why. We had lunch and bing-watched movies, I tried to keep conversation on her giving as little as I could the possibility of talking about my current situation but as the time passed it was becoming more difficult.

"So are you going to tell me what's going on now? I know you've tried deflecting the topic of conversation to meaningless stuff"

"Well, I'm under house arrest as you know" I sighed how could I say anything without revealing anything? "I've been staying here, it's my dad's house"

"Your dad has a very cool house, but why are you here instead of your place?" she nodded

"Can't argue that" I smiled "and I'm staying here for two reasons, first someone tried to break into my place and the other is because my dad thought he wanted to keep an eye on me after the incident at prom"

"What? Someone tried to rob you?" she asked shocked

"Probably, though there is not much of value there anyway" I shrugged

"And I can't believe your dad is grounding you!"

"I'm not sure he is grounding me, but it sure looks that way!" Ok, I can work with blaming my dad

"Honey I'm hoooome!" Alexis' voice startled me as he entered the house, wasn't he...

"Alexis is here?"

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now