Can't say the same

13 1 0

"Point taken" We stopped to get food and we were on our way. The GPS would only give directions but wouldn't let me see the final destination so I just drove. After a while the boys fell asleep on the back, way to go gentlemen! For a second I let myself look at Logan, he is very handsome, I'm pretty sure she has girls lining up left and right... ok depressing thoughts out!

"So what have you been up to Soph?"

"Not much, I'm homeschooled so that's all"

"Is it cool? I don't know what to think of it, i kind of like hanging out with my friends at school"

"It's not so bad, but it does get boring" she smiled

"So no prom for you?"


"Well, come to mine, it is this Saturday!"


"Yeah! You can celebrate graduating there!"

"Thank you!"

Of course you'll need a date!" I winked in her direction

"That department is covered" she blushed

"For real? You have a boyfriend?"

"He is not my boyfriend... yet" she laughed

"Who is he?"

"Remember Oleg? We're kind of dating"

"I remember him, he was nice, not like that ass-wipe, I don't even remember his name" she laughed

"Me neither but Dimitri, the other guy, was also cool"

"He was"

We ate more food and we stopped at a gas station because she wanted to go to the bathroom, while I waited for her I looked around and saw a big sign that said 'Welcome to Saddle Rock', where are they taking us? If I dares to guess these guys had a secret resort for spies or something, I just laughed at my own stupidity.

"What's so amusing?" Logan's head appeared between the front seats

"The fact that my brain decided to go stupid"

"Aw" he cooed "Don't be like that, share with me"

"Nah too embarrassing"

"Do you know where we are?"

"According to that sign" I pointed "arriving to Saddle Rock"

"Good we are close now" I didn't even thought about it, but these two guys have been there, why weren't they telling us where to go? The answer was there... they were sleeping the whole ride. I opened the car door to stretch my legs but I couldn't move, I realised I couldn't feel my bum. You know when you've been sitting in the same position for a long time and your leg suddenly feels weird? Like tingles but tickles? I heard Logan containing his laughter.

"What are you laughing about? I asked sort of laughing myself

"You" not laughing anymore


"Yes" he laughed more "you are moving like a worm in your seat"

"Ignoring Logan Hawthorne phase starts now"

"Ella come on!" he semi yelled, I didn't say a peep, yes woman start your ground! "Ella!!" he tried to grab my arm and I moved

"It wasn't me!!!!" Aleck shouted from the back seat waking up "what the fuck are we there yet?"

"No" I answered

"They why on earth are you yelling for man?"

"I'm not yelling!"

"Yes you are!"

"Shut up Aleck!"

"Keep talking Aleck you amuse me" I encouraged

"I'm sensing something here" He pocked his head next to Logan's

"I'm not talking to your friend, he's been mocking me"

"Oh so he's been a naughty boy" he teased

"What the hell Aleck?!" the started fighting on the back seat just as Sophie returned, we closed the doors and left the gas station.

"What's going on?" she asked me pointing to the back


"We are men!" Aleck muffle-yelled "not boys"

"So they boys are doing what?" Soph asked laughing

"Fighting or something" I waived like it was not a big deal "One scratch on my car and you buy me a new one!"

"Upon feeling like a stuck recorder, we are men!" Logan said puffing his chest

"Yes men!" the other boy intersected

"Whatever" We were entering a rocky road

"Oh goodie, where are here!"

"See? A boy" Sophie muttered making me smile. Big trees surrounded the car and I could see a black fence getting bigger and bigger as we approached it. The GPS beeped and a voice announced we had arrived, the fence a few meters away from us started to open by itself letting us in. It closed again when the car had passed but we were stopped by a very menacing looking guard that signalled me to lower my window.

"Good afternoon, names?" he took a look inside and a ghost of a smile appeared on his face "Well if it is not the dynamic duo"

"Nice to see you too Frank" Aleck smiled poking his head and waiving

"Can't say the same" he chuckled then turn to me "And you girls are?"

"Marbella Palakos and Sophie Prideaux" I answered for both of us

"Alright let me scan the licence plates" he went around the car then came back "You can go ahead but I have a question for you guys, where is your car? You were supposed to be here an hour ago" he looked past behind me

"Yeah I know, my car wouldn't start" Logan grumbled from the back seat "I sent the notice"

"Alright, go ahead and welcome" he let us move forward through a path that looked right out from a book. Trees surrounded us and between them you could see an open space, like a clearing.

"Park right over there" A hand appeared next to my face

"Where it says 'leave cars here?'"

"Aren't you a funny one" Aleck muttered

"Always" I retorted a guy wearing a black suit approached the car and opened my door

"Welcome to the Hawthorne State, please leave the suitcases inside and proceed to the back garden, I will take your car from here" I grabbed my purse and cellphone which had about ten messaged form my friends, thank God I sent a text to my friends earlier telling them I was visiting my mother's family so they wouldn't ask questions that I didn't know how to answer. I went around the car to find that Logan had taken off by himself without a word and Aleck grabbed my shoulder stopping me from following and sighed

"Well you're welcome dude" I said sarcastically,

"Don't take it personally" he gave me a small smile

"Yeah right" I shrugged off his hand "I guess Sophie and I should get going"

"Yes you should, follow that stone path and you'll be on the back garden" Without another word I grabbed onto Sophie's arm and we walked away leaving him standing there. I finally took notice of my surroundings, the house in front of me was huge, it was as if someone had built 10 medium size houses and put them together, all stone and wood. It was beautiful and scary at the same time. 

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now