He got you wounded! Now I have to kill him!

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"So what happened?" James asked as the first aid kist was opened

"You should just know by know right? After all you do read minds" Logan said in a dark voice

"I'm not doing it right now" James said

"Right" Aleck replied as he opened the fridge and brought out a beer

"You are underaged" James reprimanded "Put that back"

"Make me James, I dare you" Aleck shot back with a dry laugh

"Please shut up, I need to dig out a bullet" Logan said as he was putting some latex gloves

"Dig it out?" I panicked "How are you doing that?"

"With these" he showed me some tweezers and then smiled "I am in awe as to how you are not dying of pain..."

"I have a high pain tolerance, also my mind is somewhere else completely" I looked at him, trying to convey my meaning, he just smiled, almost a smirk, and I knew he was thinking similarly to me.

"Lets take care of this first, then we'll talk"

I saw James look from one to the other and realised he was keeping the promise if not reading minds, for he looked really confused

"What's going on between you two?"

"Ready Ella?" Logan asked ignoring James' question, I just nodded, and finally felt intense pain as he dug out the bullet "There, now stitches and you'll be as good as new" I put my hand out to grab the bullet, and turned it around my fingers getting some blood smeared on my hand

"I want to keep this" I said to no one in particular

"Give it to me, I'll make it pretty for you" Aleck opened his hand and I gave him the bullet

"There" Logan said a few moments later " All new again" He smiled handing me a bottle of pills "Take two of these with water for the pain"

"I didn't even feel that, thanks" I moved to the edge of the counter to hot down

"Hold it there tiger, let me help" Logan's hands went again to my hips and helped me back to the floor, my knees were jelly and I almost lost fell, but he caught me "See, I knew you'd fall for me eventually" his voice low and very close to my ear, making me feel the warmth of his breath tickling my skin. I was taken out of my thoughts when the front door opened with a bang.

"I am killing him! Where the hell are you weasel?" I heard my brother's yells "Didn't I warn you? One freaking hair and you'd be dead!"

I moved in front of Logan at the same time that Aleck moved behind the both of us, Alexis entered the kitchen with a murderous face "move Mariella, I'm killing him!"

"I won't and you won't" I crossed my arms the movement hurting.

"He got you wounded! Now I have to kill him!"

"I got myself wounded! If you don't believe me ask Aleck!"

"I can't trust him, he is friends with the weasel"

"James, read my mind" Aleck said

"What?" We all turned to him

"I said, 'James read my mind' I mean if your brother won't believe my words, he just might believe whatever James sees in here" He said pointing to his head. James looked at my brother who nodded and then sighed

"He's telling the truth, Ella went against what these two said, and if it weren't for her I'm guessing they might have gotten more injuries, just let it be Alexis"

"So where are we sleeping?" I tried changing the subject

"Here, the rooms are ready, you guys can use the ones on the first floor"

"No no, no one is sleeping on the same floor as my sister but me!"

"Alexis, tone it down now... this overprotective beast is not my brother and to be honest it's getting a little cliche" I said a little bored, "now I'll be having a sandwich for dinner and then going to sleep, I do have after all a final tomorrow" I opened the fridge and took out sandwich stuff "So, at what time should I expect Andreas to take me to school?"

"He is picking us up at 6:30 am"

"Us? whose us?"

"All of us" Alexis retorted

"And will they let you take the exam with me?" I asked mockingly "I mean after all it will be a hard exam I might need all the help I can get"

"I'll be able to come with you" James said "The rest will wait outside"

"Ok, so goodnight" I walked to my backpack and picked it up then proceeded to find the stairs to take me to the first floor, when I found them I made my way upstairs and started opening doors until I found a room that didn't look occupied, it had a big bed with black sheets and a grey comforter I walked in and left the backpack fall on the bed, then checked out the doors in the room, one being a closet that actually had clothes with tags which led me to believe they were new and for anyone to use, the other door was a bathroom.

I took a pair of pants and tank from the closet, then went to the bathroom and got changed, when I was finished and as I walked back into the room I heard a knock on my door

"Ella you here?" I basically threw the clothes on the bed and went to hug him "Yay for me, I now get my hug"

"Oh shut up and hug me" I nuzzled my face to his chest which I now felt that was really toned "Thanks for patching me up"

"Shh I'm enjoying this" He answered from my neck

"You were so badass today" I said, and he pulled away keeping his hands on my shoulders

"Look whose talking" He looked towards the door and with one feet he closed it "May I?"

"You need to ask?" And he crashed his lips on mine, one of his hands found the back of my head as the other held me by my hip, my hands stayed on his chest, but I grabbed his shirt pulling him closer, he took the opportunity to deepen the kiss and I was not going to stop him, I had wanted to do this, I needed the kiss, I needed to feel him close and safe, this feeling was foreign to me, but I welcomed it. My hands moved on their own accord and needing to feel him closed went below his t-shirt I pulled away from the kiss, leaving him confused, but I lifted his t-shirt and looked his abs, he had abs, how had I not noticed this before.

"Um Ella? Whatcha doing?"

"Shhhh, I'm admiring" I answered as one of my fingers moved detailing each of his abs

"You might want to stop that" he said half laughing

"Why?" I looked at him

"I'm not sure you want to go down that path this fast" He raised one of his eyebrows

"Well I do want to lick those abs... Am I allowed to?" he raised both of his eyebrows

"You want to lick my stomach?" he asked amused

"Yes I do, and as my boyfriend you must comply to my demands" I started taking his shirt off

"Ella?" I stopped and looked at his eyes


"I don't think this is the place to let you go all kinky on me" he said standing his ground "Also you have an exam tomorrow"

"Pish posh, I don't care, come on!"

"Wait" he took my hands on his "What about this, I promise to let you lick all you want IF and only IF I get to choose the place"

"Alright, choose, we are going there now" He laughed and pulled me close

"Not tonight Ella, you will rest, and you will pass all of your exams and then will talk all about licking" I pouted

"Not fair" I crossed my arms "You are a very mean boyfriend"

"No, I am the best one, come here" he pulled me again and kissed me "Goodnight Ella, get some rest for tomorrow's exam"

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now