The end to my story

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From my seat was difficult to see the street, both Aleck and Logan flanking me, and the glass was tinted. Andreas was our driver again and on the front and back seats agents were looking out the car, guns at the ready and expressions focused on looking out for danger.

The school's parking lot was full of girls and parents, all ready for the Graduation Ceremony. I sported a pair of dress pants and white blouse (curtesy of Hunter), I walked hand in hand with Logan, the body guards around us and Aleck acting like a little kid walked from one side to the other looking for Vic. I could feel eyes on me, I knew both students and parents were aware of what had happened on prom night and the repercussions, but this was awkward.

"Breath Ella" Logan's whisper fanned my ear, my head nodded on its own accord and I walked straighter. The school's security walked with us to the soccer field where the chairs had been arranged for the occasion. So far, Renninson had been MIA and I still could not see my friends. Logan and Aleck were directed to the charts for the family and friends, not before hugging me and Logan giving me a quick kiss with an I love you, and I was allowed to stay with only one of my body guards, the funny thing was, I had to be escorted the whole time by two security guards from the school. It made me roll my eyes. We were directed to the room where the graduating girls were supposed to pick up the caps and gowns and that's where I fond my friends.

"Ella! Over here!" My eyes found Tina's on the other side of the room, I thanked the lady handing out the things and made my way to them. The school guards had stayed back at the entrance but Jack, one of MPT agents and my guard for the day had followed me inside.

"Hey girls" I smiled putting on the gown over my clothes "This is Jack" I motioned with my head, he only nodded to all of them and turned to look around.

"Ella, where have you been?" Tina asked, curious, and I realised that Vic hadn't said anything to the rest, I sent her a grateful smile. She replied with a shrug

"Oh well, I've been under house arrest"

"House arrest?" Red whispered "Why?"

"Well, apparently my dad has some issues, and he sort of grounded me" better keep with the lie

"What for?" Parker asked looking up from the compact mirror as she applied lipstick.

"Punching people, by the way Red I am really sorry" I looked at her, and she screeched up her nose in confusion

"For what? Punching that doushe?"

"Yeah, I shouldn't have" she snorted

"After I told my mom, he was grounded, still is" silence fell to all of us

"Well at least they still let you come today, I heard Renninson gave you a rough time with finals" Parker joined the conversation

"That she did"

"Ladies!" A teacher called for our attention "Please make a line here, you have to be in alphabetical order, so got on it, the ceremony is about to start" We made our way to the line and I wondered if dad or Alexis were going to make it, they had been vague on their appearance, and I knew they had more important things to do than this, but it would still be cool if they could make it.

Vic walked in front of me as we filled the chairs on the field and we took our seats. Speeches started, you know the usual ones, including Parker's, she had been elected to make one. Vic and I whispered throughout the whole ceremony but I kept glancing back hoping to catch a familiar face. I found Aleck first, smiling and waving at me, I nudged Vic and motioned for her to look back, she turned back around blushing like crazy and rolling her eyes at me, but a smile made its way on her lips and stayed there.

As names were called and girls walked across the stage to pick her diplomas up, I felt a big sense of accomplishment. Finally after a bunch of years I was done with this place. I was moving on to bigger things, to a life of adventures, literally. I was scared, of course who wouldn't, but I felt like that was the thing I was supposed to do. When I heard my name I walked up the stairs and started the hand shaking with the council members, my dearest principal barely looked at me as she handed my diploma. As tradition I turned to face the crowd looking for the faces I longed to see, I saw Logan, smiling and cheering with Aleck, my dad and brother had made it, they were at the very back clapping and making funny faces. The surprise was my mom and Mila, they were here, I almost stumbled, I was not expecting them here today, and a tear fell from my eyes. This was a perfect moment, I was whole and happy, who cares about the price on my head and whatever problems loomed on my near future? I moved the string thingy from the cap, from one side to the other smiling, and that's when I felt the ground shaking, my senses had gone haywire and I could not understand what happened, black smoke engulfed me and I felt the force that sent me flying, I could not pin point which was the floor or the ceiling, if I was still flying or if I had hit something. My eyes closed on their own accord, a beeping sound clouded my ears, I could barely breath, the smoke making it hard to. Was I dead, dying, still alive? It was hard to know, I struggled to open my eyes, to breath again, I heard faint shouting and for a second I think I heard my name being called, but I gave up on trying and I gave in to the darkness. I guess this was my end, the end to my story.

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