Consider yourself dead to me

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"So, we look really good ladies" Vic said as we took a picture

"Yes we do" I heard beeping coming from my room at the same time Soph's had did, I looked at her and saw her wearing the MPT wristwatch, I went to grab mine and saw a message 'wear this tonight' really? are they going to play spies on my prom night? I went back and saw that Sophie had a confused face as Vic kept going on and on about something. She looked up and shrugged when she saw me pointing to mine watch. We were interrupted by yelling outside my door, I checked through the camera and saw our three very good looking dates outside.

"Well don't you clean up nice" I greeted them as I opened the door

"You are not too bad yourself Ella" Aleck answered

"Aww thanks, servant, now come on we have prom to attend"

Aleck had pulled through and got us a very sleek black limo and we were off. The place from outside looked magnificent, someone had hanged from each side of the door big fabrics with the name of the school and on the entrance James and Mrs Renninson were picking up ticket all dressed up, James looked good on a tuxedo, but Logan looked even better, but I might be biased.

"No tricks tonight ladies" Renninson warned as she collected the ticket and handed us some bracelets to wear

"What is she talking about?" Oleg asked as we went in

"She thinks we are the ones behind all of the pranks at school?"

"And are you?" Aleck wondered

"Wouldn't you like to know" I smirked as we entered. The inside was amazing, it had crystal chandeliers all over the ceiling and colourful drapes covering the walls, tables were covered with black linen and had crystal ornaments as centrepieces. We roamed around looking for the rest of the girls, everyone had stepped up their game tonight. Red was blushing next to the cruise guy, Gail was standing next to a guy that looked like his ex, Parker was fuming with a guy that looked vaguely familiar and Tina was laughing with a guy I didn't know.

"Hey guys!" Vic called them "Looking good tonight!"

"Back at you!"

"Hey everyone, these are Sophie and Oleg, friends of mine" they looked at them

"Hi I am Gail and this is Hunter" so the ex was back in the picture "These are Red and William, Parker and Arch"

"No way Arch?!" I smiled, he was Parker's cousin, I used to have a massive crush on him years back "Long time no see!"

"Hey Ella, good to see you" He waived

"So, Tina, who is your date?" Victoria asked

"He is... wait what was your name?" she looked up to him

"Dominiq" he sighed "nice to meet you guys"

"Likewise? How do you know each other?" I asked amused

"Well I was..." Tina started

"Let me will you?" He interrupted her "Ok, so I was walking down Fifth Avenue, I've been picking up stuff from my sister, what out of the blue I am being pulled aside by her, I honestly thought I was being mugged" he laughed "But no, once we were ut of people's way she looked at me from head to toe 'you are hot, are you a killer?' she asked and I obviously replied no, she pulls a piece of paper from her bag, scribbles something, and hands me the paper 'my prom is this Saturday and I need a date, I'm wearing forest green, pick me up at seven, my name, address and number are in the paper, I'm counting on you!' she turns around and leaves, just like that. Fast forward I called her confirmed the details and here I am, total leap of faith, this could've been a joke!" we all laughed

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now