So the fashion advisor's name is Ella

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Classes went normal, and I was pleased that I had passed the last Physics quiz, so after we were done I went back to my place. As I arrived Anthony intercepted me handing me another envelope just like the one I had received yesterday, but as I entered the elevator and the doors closed I realised it was not for me but for a Logan Hawthorne on the 5th floor, why had Anthony given me this? I shrugged and punched the 5th button when I realised that elevator guy had stopped on the same floor yesterday, maybe he...? Wait, it is the same last name as my teacher, maybe it was him? But it couldn't be, I would have seen him before on the building right? So when the doors opened and I rang the bell I don't know what I was expecting, but definitely not an old lady.

"Yes dear?" She was about my hight (5'8) with kind features and wearing what seemed to be a business suit

"Oh hi, I'm sorry to bother you but Anthony gave me this" and I handed her the envelope "probably by mistake, it's for a Logan Hawthorne?"

"You are so kind thank you, yes Logan's my grandson" she took the envelope

"Oh ok, then I guess I'll be on my way"

"Not to worry dear, excuse me but what is your name?" she asked and smiled

"My name is Ella mam" I answered politely

"Well Ella, thank you so much, I'll be handing him this when he gets here"

"Good, now have a great day mam" I smiled in return and called the elevator

"It's Mrs. Hawthorne, Ella, and please anytime you need anything don't hesitate to come here"

"Thank you Mrs Hawthorne" I replied as the doors closed.

I had many questions I would've liked to ask then and there, but as I opened my apartment's door and saw my dad, I forgot all of them as I ran and hugged him.

"Dad! What are you doing here?!?" I asked as we broke apart

"Surprise?" he laughed "Are you surprised?"

"Very!" I nodded my head as I left my backpack on the TV couch "What brings you here?"

"Well, it's my parental visit to oversee that there are no boys living here" he tried to sound stern and very parental-like but it was no use, even though we both knew he was everything but.

"Ok, so the real reason for your visit is...?" I asked as I got a glass of water

"I wanted to check up on you and also I now noticed that you are missing stuff for the apartment, want to go shopping for things?" he asked hopeful

"Sure, let me get changed out of the uniform and we'll head out" I smiled and went to change into a pair of jeans, a t-shirt and my white Adidas. We headed to a couple of stores and he even treated me to some ice cream. And I was happy, I missed spending time with him.

About six thirty the intercom rang and Anthony told me that it was the delivery company my dad had hired to bring everything we had bought earlier today. As I waited for them to get to my floor my cell rang.

"Hey there!" Red's voice came from the other side of the line

"Oh hi! What's up Red?"

"Not much, dress browsing online you?"

"Waiting for the delivery guys to arrive, my dad took me shopping for stuff to decorate the apartment" I heard knocks on the front door "Wait they are here, let me open for them"

I opened the door without checking the security camera my dad installed when I moved in.

"So the fashion advisor's name is Ella" Elevator guy was standing outside my door wearing pjs.

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