Do not tempt me woman

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"Huh? How would you know...?" I started

"My grandmother was enchanted by you" Now it makes sense

"So Logan Haw..." I heard my full name being called form my now forgotten cellphone in my hand "Give me two seconds"


"Mildred, I am going to hang up now, so goodbye" I clicked the END call button and turned to elevato... Logan

"So Logan Hawthorne"

"At your service, Mariella" he smirked

"Just Ella" I waived my hand

"Delivery for Mariella Palakos?" A guy dressed in a jumpsuit asked behind Logan

"Yeah that's me"

"Where should we put the boxes?"

"In here please, just leave them there" I showed the guy to the living room area and he started carrying boxes inside.

"So did you buy all of New York?" Logan mocked

"No... not really I didn't know we had bought these many things" I laughed and then smirked "So, are you looking for some fashion advice?"

"Maybe?" He smirked as well

"Well I can say you followed the last memo, so want to come in?" I asked out of the blue surprising us both, he seemed hesitant at first

"Um, sure... aren't your parents going to be mad?"

"My dad's probably going to have a bunch of questions..." I shrugged and moved to the door as he paled "but he doesn't live here so, your choice"

"And your mom?"

"Lives in San Francisco" I gave the delivery man a tip as he placed the last box on top of another one and left

"So... you live alone?"

"Basically, done with the questioning?" I smirked his way "I'm hungry, are you hungry?"

"Not really and very" He made himself at home by sitting on one of the kitchen stools

"So Chinese or sushi?" I asked as I fished the takeout menus from one of the drawers

"Sushi?" He asked "I haven't had that for a while"

"Sushi it is" I called the restaurant and placed our order, I could feel him looking at me the whole time, I put the hand on the speaker "Like what you see?"

"Yes" he answered boldly and I think he surprised both of us because he turned bright red "I mean..." I'm pretty sure things were going to get awkward and we've literally just met so I interrupted whatever he was going to say

"Good" I finished placing the order and turned to him. "Alright since we have to wait for dinner, you mister, are helping me unpack"

I walked to the living room and started opening the boxes with a knife I grabbed from the kitchen and taking the stuff out, Logan helped me placing it all around the place until the food arrived.

"So I need to ask" he asked after finishing, I looked up from my food "Mariella Palakos...? From where?"

"Greek father, Italian mother" I shrugged

"Ok... and the Italian last name?" he smiled

"Tafiani, so enough about me" I finished chewing "Tell me about you"

"Well my name is Logan Hawthorne"

"I already know that, give me something else" I motioned him to keep going

"I live with my grandmother" He tried to be funny

"Knew that too, come on I know you can do better than that" I laughed

"Alright, alright, so I'm 20 years old and I go to university" He relented

"Ok so basically you know both my last names, the origin of each, that I live alone and where does my mother live... and you just tell me your age and the fact that you go to uni?" I tsk and he laughed as he rolled his eyes

"You also know my name and first last name and that I live with my grandma" he stated "but I'll humour you, ask me anything you want"

I pondered about the question, I had many questions but none of them were appropriate to ask, like for example if he knew James Hawthorne my PE teacher, or if he worked out regularly, cuz I could see fitness pulsing out of that pj t-shirt. So I decided to go on the safe side.

"Your favourite colour"


"I want to know your favourite color" I nodded

"So out of all of the many questions there are to ask me, you go with my favourite colour?"

"Got a problem with that?" I smiled and crossed my eyes defiantly

"No not at all" He raised his hands in surrender

"You still haven't answered my question" I reminded him

"Dark dark blue"

"What kind of dark dark blue?"

"Well, it's the moment just before the sky turns black at night" he scratched the back of his neck "that was cheesy, ok this is easier, have you seen that magnificent Range Rover Evoque on the building's parking lot?"

"Um yeah?" Should I tell him that THAT magnificent car is mine?

"Well, that is the colour I am talking about, and well that car is awesome" he smiled as if he were seeing the car in his head "I wish I knew the owner, I'd love to take it out for a drive"



"I'd never imagine you as an SUV kind of guy"

"Not really, but, you have to admit, the Evoque is... wow... I mean, the owner of this one has to be pretty awesome to have it"

"I'm pretty sure that person is a badass" I nodded smirking, enjoying the fact that he was calling me awesome without realising it.

"Oh shoot, is that the time already?" I looked at my cellphone to see it was already 9 pm

"Oh wow, time flies..." I actually had felt like less time had passed, and I had enjoyed every single moment.

"Indeed" he looked at me then, his eyebrows furrowed then shook his head in a very small movement that if you were not paying attention one would've probably missed it "So I gotta go"

"Of course" I answered quickly, I mean, if I had my way, I'd ask him to stay for a little longer, I enjoyed his company

"The lady of the house might get worried" and that made me smile, he cared for his grandmother, and it made me wish I had met mine, both of them had already passed

"Say hi for me" I offered as I walked him to the door

"Will do Ella, so... see you around?" He asked, again scratching the back of his neck, and now I knew that was a sign that he was nervous

"Maybe... it'll depend on you"


"Come see me when you need more fashion advice" I laughed, of course he was not going to come back, I mean, he was way too cute and hot for me, basically he was out of my league.

"Do not tempt me woman..."

"Tempt you?" I asked confused

"I just might come back every day for the day's memo" He laughed and looked away as if embarrassed "Ok, before I say something even more embarrassing I'm going, good night Ella" He looked hesitant for a second and then turned to the elevator

"Night Logan" I smiled as the elevator doors closed, I closed my own apartment door and stood there for a few minutes, clearing my head and making my hope disappear.

My life before I knew I was a spy COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now